OK, my friend--do you want the good news or the bad news? Alright then -- I'll start out with the bad news and get it over with: according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report of October 2010, the unemployment rate is 9.6%. The good news is (1) you still have a JOB (just over broke) or (2) you don't have a job. Hey-- there's more good news: there is no bad news. It is all about your perspective. See that car in the picture above. The good news is you do not have to worry about the repo man coming to repossess it. You also don't have to worry about paying the insurance on it either. The other good news is that "whatever the mind can believe, it can achieve" -- and you ain't dead yet.
You may be one of the one in ten without a JOB--how could that be good news? The reason it could be good news is now is is a time for opportunity; an opportunity to re-evaluate your life and determine if it is going in the right direction and what you can do about it. My advice for you is to determine your purpose (your "why"). What did God put you on this earth to do? Only you will be able to determine this (not your brother, not your sister, not your best friend -- only you). What is it that gets you excited enough that you would do it even if you were never paid? After you have determined your "why," begin to make some steps (even small steps) which will lead you on the road of self-fulfillment.
God has made each of us to be a unique person. He will speak to you if you listen. You must, however, be still. In my lifetime, I have been at points where I was here, there and nowhere. This feeling actually became a lifestyle, until I began believing in the words written in the scripture of the Bible.
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? 27Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom Luke 12:22-32
When we talk about the rich as compared to the poor, their financial worries are often much the same, just the figures have more or less 0's at the end. An average person may worry about paying their taxes of $700, where a person of means might worry about those of $7000 or even $70,000.
With my company, GBG, a 14-year old Christian network marketing company which originally began as a telecommunications company and now is a nutritional company, this is the perfect time for an average person with average means to begin to embark on a future filled with prosperity. The key to your success is mindset. With our team and with the company, we work on mindset every day. The right mindset will lead you to accomplish goals. Without the right mindset, you may struggle each day more than is necessary and take much longer to begin making progress; and you may even grow weary and give up, as many without a strong "why" often do.
Network marketing is about helping to build a team of like-minded goal-oriented people who want to achieve and have a better standard of living (all for different reasons). Once I went to a meeting of about 100 people who were interested in a specific network marketing company I was part of. I began to ask these people why they were interested in this specific vehicle for making money. It surprised me to find out that most of the women, according to their answers to me, were involved for relationships. For the men--it was all about the money.
From my experience in sales of high-ticket items, I found that many men held on tight to their money, even if it was something that would be beneficial to their health. The money had become their identity. Women, on the other hand, were willing to spend money on something they felt would be beneficial to their own life and give them a sense of well being.
So, then -- since I know the answer to the the network marketing battle of the sexes, it looks like I'd go after the male of the species. But, what I have learned is that network marketing is all about relationships and many women are just better at that aspect than their male counterparts.
Therefore, network marketing has its place for both men and women (women for their need for relationship and men for their aggressive competitive nature to do whatever it takes to get the money. For this reason, couples who compliment each other are often successful.
I have the perfect solution for both women and men during this time of economic instability. My company, GBG, a Christian homebased company, has a flagship product called 10in1(a liquid multivitamin with superjuices as well as minerals and anti-oxidants, with a 3-minute absorbency rate) presently has over 100,000 consumers. Our Christian homebased company believes that within a year we will have over a million consumers of our 10in1 product. We are poised to go international in January, our first country being Mexico. Our superior product, (10in1), will then be distributed in a chewable form, reformulated and even more beneficial.
Many of you reading might not even be interested in the business aspect but would like to take extra precaution for their own health. I am including a link for you to order it. When you order it as an auto-ship product, the wholesale price is $39.95 + shipping and handling. You will not have to place an order each month. This convenient way of ordering allows the funds to come directly from your checking account or credit card. You may even like the product well enough to recommend it to others and get paid. That is how I got started.
When I first started as a consumer, I worked 50-55 hours a week on an outside job which was stressful, since I was dealing with all types of people and situations. I found that 10in1 (called that because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations) made me feel more relaxed and also gave me that extra stamina to stay alert during the late afternoon. It made a huge difference in the way I felt.
My message to you if you are unemployed is: Don't give up. God has a plan for your life. He will not let you down. This time will bring you closer to him if you learn to trust.
One thing I did learn from being without a regular JOB was how much I had depended on my job to tell me who I was, and when it was no longer there--I felt defeated. I am here to tell you that just because you don't have a JOB, use this time for reflection, getting closer to the Lord, and a time for self growth and setting new goals for the future.
My prayer is that this post today has encouraged you. The Bible says that we are to encourage ourselves in the Lord. So sing, dance, talk positive to yourself, surround yourself with positive people - drench yourself in the word -- whatever it takes.
Often, we all (including myself) get caught up in thinking about what we don't have instead of what we do have. Create in yourself an attitude of gratitude. If you are going on interviews, this attitude will make a positive impact. Companies want to hire people who are nice to be with. When a person has the "woe is me" attitude, nobody wants to be around them.
To Learn More about the GBG Opportunity Click Here
You may also call me direct at (678)848-5254