As you know, my goal is to offer hope to the hopeless. Tonight at our church, our goal was to do just that. Instead of going out and celebrating a holiday designed for Satan and his gang, our church decided to come together and offer hope to the hopeless. This celebration of a day which belongs to God because the word says, "this is the day the Lord hath made," was a grand celebration of what God's people can do for their community if they would just step out in faith and make the proclamation that this day does not belong to Satan and the dark forces of evil which would just like to "try" and take over. There were over 2000 people present. There are about 200 people who go to our church. There had been much preparation, and I believe that next year this event will be even bigger than ever. We had so many activities, skits, music dance, games, candy....etc..., and I'm sure each child went home with more candy than they would have gotten if they had gone to a large subdivision.
Our intention was to show love to children that need love. They were all so cute. We had worked for many days, and many merchants had donated door prizes and gift cards. If we had started earlier we would have had even more, but it all worked out great in the end.
The other day (only two days before the event, we were gathering donations, and were really short on donations--especially candy. We really prayed about the situation. I could not sleep and for some crazy reason stayed up until 4:30 a.m. BB was at her house and she too could not sleep. She stayed up until 4:30a.m. too. We met at 9:30 a.m. the next morning, and she told me she had had a dream that we were supposed to present a seed offering to the Lord -- telling him that we were believing to have the van full of candy when we were finished that day. We both gave half of an offering. After three visits, we had no candy--but 2 gift cards. We decided to go to the Chattanooga Food Bank. The manager told us that she did not think they had any candy. She would have to look. She came back and said she did have some, but she didn't think it was very much. We said that's ok, every bit helps. She said she needed to make a call. She came back about five minutes later, telling us that she did find some and to pull around to the back. When we went back there, there was a whole pallet of candy to be loaded on the van--just enough to fill the whole van. My heart began to explode. All I could say was, "praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." Hey, in fact, I actually shouted it out twice. The guys in the warehouse brought the pallet around for us to load. My God had done it again. The two guys who had dropped the pallet of candy were standing there drinking a coke staring at us, with a sheepish grin on their face. They were getting a kick out of watching us load, and I wasn't about to take their joy away --when my God had placed so much joy in my own heart -- it began to overflow. We continued our collectons for the children that day, but that grand answer to prayer was very profound. I will never forget how I felt.
If I had been working a "regular" job, I would never had been able to have experienced that moment, and it was definitely on a top 50 moments list for me.
What I'm trying to tell you is that network marketing and my company could be the answer to your financial problems and time freedom problems. GBG, my Christian home based business, allows a person to work when then want and determine for their own selves how hard they want to work. You, with God's blessings, can determine your own financial destiny. The product, 10in1 is only $39.95 + shipping and handling and is the best multivitamin I have ever had. The fact that it is a liquid is a plus for many people, especially the elderly who have a hard time swallowing -- and it tastes good. Although it is the answer to about 10 different health problems, my personal testimony about the product would be that it gives a marked energy increase, and if you need to lose weight -- when you feel like being active and have the energy to lose weight--this in itself will help you feel like being more active.
I also like the fact that the company is Christian oriented. What I mean is that the values the company has are Biblical. You will realize this when you meet our President, "Stuart Finger." Although our company is 14 years old (it originally started as a telecom company called ITI), Stuart Finger is a young man. To learn more about the company, the business opportunity, just go to There you take the tour and decide for yourself whether you like to represent our company, GBG.
Getting back to time freedom -- many people have things in their life which make it difficult to work a conventional part-time job where someone else determines the hours they are to work. This could be due to trying to keep the schedule which best fits in with their family. You don't have to miss ball games, recitals, PTA meetings. In fact your relationships you meet at these events may even be your next customer. Network marketing is all about relationships and people telling people. GBG, my Christian homebased company, is product oriented. The product is worth more than the price you pay for it when you consider the fact it contains many of the super juices which are popular now as well as some super antioxidants. Therefore, this business is easy to duplicate. Can you imagine beginning a business opportunity for under $50 which has the ability to generate a six-figure income annually. The income opportunity is so lucrative due to the recent payplan enhancement. All positions with GBG are easy to obtain. I love it and I hope you will too.
If you are the type of person who desires to elevate themselves by obtaining more income without sacrificing family time or personal time, look into the opportunity. We will be going interntional sometime before March of 2011. The first countries we go into will be Spanish speaking, so if you are bilingual or know people who are -- this is a plus. Listen to one of our webinars which is on Mon-Thurs at 10EST. You'll be glad you did. With a 60-day money back guarantee and free websites and webinars to promote the company, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose (unless it is weight) or maybe stress.