Hello friends,
The journey begins with a single step. You have the ability and freewill to determine which direction you want to go. Many people walk thru life not thinking about any specific direction, just going with the flow. What happens to these people is that they never accomplish their own goals--they live a life fulfilling the goals of someone else. A life well lived should be lived on your own terms meeting your own goals. I'm not meaning to be selfish, but there are many people out there who will suck you in and use you for their own benefit to meet goals they have set for themselves. It's fine to be part of this -- as long as your goal meets with theirs, but a tragedy if they do not.
Now, you ask me, what do you mean by my WHY? Am I talking about a purpose driven life, a passion or just what? I am talking about the reason you do what you do, other than just to put food on the table or pay the bills (your reason for doing what you do).
Also, in my last post, I was trying to encourage the hopeless--those who had lost their dream. During this time of economic crisis in our nation, many have lost everything. Let me take this time to encourage you. I "was" one of those. I lost all my savings as well as a 2400sf home with 3 acres (my dream home, the one I called my "promised land)." I was upgrading to put my life on a new level, so I thought. What I soon found out was that a big house with acerage took time to maintain and equip, and it therefore became a burden to me. I was spending all my free time, instead of doing things for my God, doing things around the house. Yes it did give me a certain sense of satisfaction, but it also was a big emotional burden with all the upkeep involved. My car, which was reposessed, was a vehicle used in my job and actually I owed more than it was worth, so it was therefore a burden also. What I'm trying to say is that I went from earning $62k last year to $300/week in unemployment. I could have given up -- but cars and houses can be replaced and many lessons were learned by moving to the next level. Mainly, at least for me, I was defining myself by what I owned instead of who I was and who I was becoming. My job took up so much time and emotional energy, I was incapable of pursuing any pleasures in life. The dog-eat-dog competive lifestyle had taken a drain on me in every way. I had been working 50-55 hrs/wk to be able to own a nice car and a nice big house I could not enjoy. This is how I can talk to you from the heart. I'm speaking from experience.
Now, about my own WHY and how I felt before I determined my WHY. Before I determined my WHY, I felt lonely and isolated. Friends--it's hard to have friends when you feel like there's a black cloud over your head. But let me tell you this -- as soon as I determined my WHY, my life immediately began to do a complete turn-around. My own personal WHY was to give hope to the hopeless while at the same time pursuing my own personal path of self growth along with travel and writing with a flexible lifestyle. Every decison I began to make was wrapped up in my WHY--it gave me power and strength because I knew that my life was divinely guided and I was in God's will.
In school, we were never told how to determine our WHY--the one thing which would give more joy than any other awareness we might have. This should be, in my opinion, a required subject before a person graduates from high school. Many students graduate from high school with no idea of where they are going or what they are going to do. And when they do pursue career activities, it is often menial or with no future anticipated goal.
When you have determined your WHY, please put a comment on my blog and let me know how it is effecting your life. I believe it will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
The Bible states that "the kingdom of God is within you." You have the ability to determine your own future. Do not listen to those who want to see you fail or are happy to see you live a life of mediocrity. The Bible also states, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" and also that "it is God's great pleasure to give you the kingdom." He desires relationship with you and he died "so that you might have life and have it more abundantly." Please--when I say anything to you--judge it by the book (the Bible). The word of God says to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." I am just a messenger of the gospel (the Good News of Christ). The keys to a life well lived on earth are found in the Bible and thru the Holy Spirit.
God has the ability to give you "beauty for ashes." Never give up, my friend.
I really appreciate your taking the time to read my blog, and I pray that God blesses you and your family in this time of crisis. I will not sugarcoat what is happening; I will only tell you that there is a vehicle available for your own economic success and that many people are replacing their old incomes with a new opportunity. There are always those who succeed in economic crisis--those who see an opportunity and act on that opportunity. Do not fear. Whether you choose this pathway to wholeness or a different pathway, let God show you the way. He says, "there is a way which seemeth right to many, but the end thereof is destruction," ---so let the Holy Spirit of God guide your way. I am praying for you, dear friend.