Click Here for My GBG Website
Psalms 15:22 (KJV) Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellers they are established.
Proverbs 20:18 (KJV) Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.
Proverbs 24:6 (KJV) For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Today I listened to a call with GBG leaders, Mike and Simone Webster. The above scripture is only a reminder that we all need advise when we make war. Make war, you say -- yes make war. We are in a war on poverty, and with GBG (guided by God)--there is an answer for those who choose to believe and act on their beliefs.
Jesus knew that "the poor will always be with us," not because he had planned it that way. He did not plan for people to live in poverty, because he said in the word,
III John 1:2 (KJV) Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Jesus knew that the poor would always be with us, because sin is in the world. Jesus and his word is the answer to all of life's problems, but people would rather do things their own way instead of relying on him for guidance through his word. Our world is in a rebellious state because they do not humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways.
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land
I must open my mouth and tell you about God's word and how obedience is the only answer. I am thankful for my GBG Christian homebased business. I have found Christian counsel and advice from people who are out to break the curse of poverty beginning with themselves and with all those who choose to embark on a journey towards self-improvement and proper mindset which comes through believing what God has said about you.
You see, Satan is a liar. He wants you to believe you will never be successful and that you will never be who God wants you to become. If God says it, it is so. Do not believe the evil tricks of the enemy. His battle for dominance was already lost when Christ died for us. Satan lost! So, why do we continue to believe these lies after Christ won--especially those of us who profess to be Christians? It is partly because we surround ourselves with and allow people into our lives who bring us down to their own level of mediocrity. I am not speaking of a prosperity mentality consciousness as most would think (I mean fancy cars and houses, exotic vacations along with all the frivolous things this life may offer) here on earth. What I want you to understand is that prosperity in Jesus is something more. This prosperity is a mindset, a belief that God is who he says he is and we are who God says he is and that through him nothing is impossible. The only true prosperity is through Jesus Christ. Things can be taken away as fast as they come, but believing the truth as shown in the scriptures, is our first step towards real success.
The counselors who we surround ourselves with keep us headed down the right road and are there to remind us when we get off track on our journey. Ask God to surround you with the right counselors to help you make the right decisions and to reaffirm your own beliefs in the scripture.
With GBG, my Christian homebased business, I am surrounded by many counselors who advise me for my own good as well as that of the team--knowing in their hearts that the way of the cross is the only way.
Thoughts about my life. At 61, I have learned that almost everything in life is about perspective and mindset. My blog gives you mine. To retire and be able to work at my own schedule, is my goal in order to create the lifestyle of my dreams. My vehicle for success, besides the power God gives me to create wealth, is National Wealth Center (NWC).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving - The One Day Americans Deisgnate to Be Thankful
As I look back on previous Thanksgivings, my memories are mainly of good food and lots of it--the American way of life. Growing up in a family with eight kids, my Mother always seemed to cook just the right amount of food, and I never remember of any leftovers except at Thanksgiving. There were no seconds either, except at Thanksgiving. How she managed to do that with all the other meals during the year, I will never know. We ate good, but there were some luxuries I never knew about including getting seconds. Maybe that's the reason as an adult I am overweight--all the seconds I have now.
I never knew until I was 16 and went on a date, that a person would eat a whole steak (this is just one example of the many things about life I never knew). We were not deprived, it was just that there were some things I never knew. We never cooked out on a grill, we never ordered fast food, and I never helped my mother cook. That was one thing she always did. Because she assumed this responsibility and never said a word, I never knew until many years later that she had felt like a maid for many years--she kept it all inside.
On Thanksgiving, many people will be keeping their emotions intact--just not to make waves or create drama. This is fine and well, but it never allows you true intimacy with family. This year, I will try my best to get closer to my family instead of concentrating so much on food.
We also need to make an extra effor to really thank the person who does the cooking, if it is not you. Why not bring flowers, or do some type of help cleaning up before settling down to television, as most people do. Don't even ask, just do it. Sometimes in all the hoopla, we just forget and get wrapped up in our own selves.
This year will be especially difficult for many Americans, especially the 1 in 10 who is unemployed. But we still have many many things to be thankful for including freedom to worship God and the freedom to strive for a better life.
God bless you all. Happy Thanksgiving. Just thought of a song I sung at school as a child.
Gobble gobble said the turkey
I'm the king of all the fair
Gobble gobble said the turkey
I am wanted everywhere
(Can't think of the end--oh, did I hear a gunshot?)
Make this Thanksgiving a memorable Thanksgiving and don't forget to take pictures.
This blogpost is dedicated to my step-father, Otto Timms, who is in the latter stages of Alzheimer's. He will be with us tomorrow. For that I am thankful.
It is also dedicated to my GBG sponsor, CJ, who helped me in this life here on earth, to examine and determine my "why" which is to give hope to the hopeless (both financially and spiritually). Jesus Christ is the answer. All glory be to my loving savior, Jesus Christ. Without him life would be meaningless.
Save this link to my site in your favorites. If you are one of the one in ten who still have a JOB (just over broke), be thankful; but don't take it for granted. Decide today that you will never be empty handed if they decide to pass out pink slips. A tight rope walker would never walk unless he has a trampoline there at the bottom to catch him. Let GBG be that trampoline.
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Christian Homebased - Work for Stay at Home Moms
When I was younger, many years ago, (lol) - I became a Mom. My childbirth was definitely another story (natural childbirth, epidural and finally a c-section). I gave birth to a 10lb 11oz. baby boy. All the family was excited since he was the first grandchild. My son was and is the greatest. He is very artistic, which I don't believe he received from me and very intelligent (now, there is a possibility there). I loved him the moment I knew he was to be born. The excitement of knowing you are going to have a child is indescribable unless you've experienced it. Soon, the nursery was all fixed up for his arrival (complete with lime green shag carpet and animal themes on the wallpaper. When my son was brought out at the hospital, he was wrapped in a pink blanket (they had run out of blue blankets). My husband did not even get up. He had already named my son even before he was born. In fact, his name was written on a blackboard which was used to write notes in the kitchen.
My son was very handsome even as a young baby. He definitely had my brown eyes, but had the physique of my husband. It's funny how children develop as they grow up. One of the things which I felt was unusual about him was how detailed he was. When he had all his star wars figurines lined up, he would notice if a little sword was missing. I have very sweet memories of his first few years because I was a stay-at-home mom. A person who can find work for stay at home moms is very fortunate, especially if the income derived is significant and plays an important role in providing the extras that many families desire. The work for stay at home moms I found, was in party plan. I started out as a Fashion Show Director for Sarah Coventry, Inc. and was promoted to District Manager when the manager at that time moved several states away.
Staying at home was important to me. My husband had a job as a police officer, with varying schedules. Therefore, by being able to stay at home, I was able to adjust my schedule to meet the needs of my family. By not having to punch a time clock, I was allowed to sleep late if I wanted, take my time in everything I did, and also be able to be there for every milestone my son reached. It was a sweet time in my life, as I look back on it now.
My career with Sarah Coventry allowed me to also be gone several evenings a week. Those are the times when my husband could baby sit, thereby saving the costs of a baby sitter. This time also brought my son closer to his Dad. I loved Sarah Coventry and soon grew a group of over 25 Fashion Show Directors and 5 Unit Directors. I loved the competition and striving to win trips offered by the company (trips to Miami, Washington D.C., Pine Isle, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Miss Georgia Pageant...and several other trips). In fact, the first time my husband and I were away from my son was when he was two years old; we went on a cruise to the Bahamas on the Sunward II.
Many women cannot find work for stay at home moms or cannot find work which pays enough. I believe many parents should sit down and analyze the cost they are paying to have the mom work. Often, they will find that they are paying for the wife to work. After paying the cost of a sitter, wardrobe, gas, auto and auto expenses, tax increase; a family will find that it is to their advantage for a mom to stay at home and raise her child herself instead of rushing over to a babysitter. Taking a child out when they are half way sick or in cold weather, or any negative situation is a pull on the emotions. Often, a job often takes so much energy that when a mom arrives back home, she cannot be the type of mother she really wants to be.
I loved my job because it was flexible and allowed me to stay with my son. Many times, a person works because they think they have no choice, I want to say--in life, there are always choices. There is always another way other than striving to work in an environment where you will never be paid your true worth.
I am no longer a stay-at-home mom (my son is grown), but I remember the feeling of satisfaction and security I derived when I worked from home with a job which allowed me to work around my family's schedule. My advice again is to calculate the cost of your working, including the tax advantages which are allotted for having a home based businesses.
My son's formative years were spent with me. For that I am thankful. I was able to give him my own values instead of his learning them from a sitter or not even learning values at all. My daughter-in-law is also a stay-at-home mom and works from her home office, carrying on the family tradition of working from home. She, along with my son, operate a website for moms
Due to the advent of the Internet, many opportunities have presented themselves especially for people who are looking for work for stay at home moms.
Sometimes a person must ask themselves the question whether it is worth it to work for someone else. What are the long-term benefits of working for someone else? Most people will find when they are honest with themselves that they are working to put food on the table and to meet present needs.
One of my favorite things about working from home was being able to prepare wholesome meals for my family and being able to take my time. Hope you enjoy this video.
There is little long-term benefits in working for someone else, because there is no residual income. Residual income is derived when you have the opportunity to gain income for work you did before, and the income keeps coming in no matter what you do.
Sarah Coventry was a direct sales company. Some of the income I derived was like that in a sense, because I had hostesses who would take a catalog and get orders for me every time a new catalog came out. But this was not true residual income, because I was having to go through certain actions in order to have the income. I had to pick up the orders and write up the orders. True residual income requires no acton in order to receive the income.
One such opportunity to receive residual income is network marketing. People who are not familiar with network marketing may not understand the concept of network marketing. The concept is that a product or products is sold through a distribution channel which allows the company to distribute without the cost of advertising. The company uses the money which would have been originally intended for advertising and passes it on to the distributors.
One such company is the company I now work for, GBG. The reason I like the product which we offer is because it is a product which almost everyone is using anyway. They only have to change their way of purchasing. Instead of getting their product from a store, they can now purchase it from the company at a cost of less than what they would pay from the store. Therefore, there is a win-win situation involved with the company. They can count the cost of distribution and therefore be able to stay in business. Many people or businesses find that when they stop advertising, their business stops or dwindles. With a distribution source as found in network marketing, a company can stay in business because they do not have to advertise.
I have tried many sales opportunities, including cosmetics, jewelry, home decorating accessories, as well as sold large ticket items on the road (average sales of over $13,000), so I know what's out there. Being ambitious, has its pros and cons. When people are ambitious and not afraid of failure, they will keep trying until they find the right vehicle for success. The secret is once you've found the right vehicle and you have learned from your previous mistakes or learned from mistakes made by others -- keep on keeping on. Do not give up. You see others in line who have received significant income, do not---let me repeat: do not get out of line; your time is coming up. You must attach yourself to a mentor who can teach you what to do to be successful. Let the Holy Spirit of God be your guide, and you will not fail.
I have been told by well-intentioned people to not tell about my company in my blog. How could I do that? I'm not ashamed of my company. I've been around the block in network marketing, and I decided if I found the right company, I would broadcast it, and that's what I'm doing. We have the most dynamic product with the most amazing compensation plan I have ever been affiliated with. The entry level is affordable for the masses (under $50), so why would I even think about keeping it "secret?"
For all the moms who are earnestly seeking work for stay at home moms, GBG is the perfect network marketing opportunity on the planet. Analyze your situation and ask yourself if this might be something you can implement into your family. If this does not meet your requirements and you have an outside job you love, then GBG could be a secondary income for your family, especially when both parents are involved.
Do you want to have the things for your family that they need and desire? There may even be things for yourself that you want, but you feel you have to sacrifice your own desires for the good of your family. Let me tell you, with the right training with GBG, you may find that sacrifice is not a necessity. Your success will be determined by your attitude, work ethic and perseverance. With a 14-year track record as a company, internet presence and the fact that we are going global in just a few months, the timing is excellent. Jump on in. Do not be afraid. There is no risk, and you even have a 60-day (100% money back guarantee on the product).
Thanks again for taking the time to visit my blog. I want to encourage you to examine the cost of staying at home. Look for work for stay at home moms with GBG. We are a group of like-minded Christian people who only want the best for our family and ourselves as well as other distributors in the company.
Should you have any further questions about signing up, just give me a call at (648) 848-5254.
You can visit my site at
We also have nightly webinars at 10:00pm EST which will also give you a good overview and explanation of the company, product and compensation plan. This call is conducted by Chris Curtis, one of my team leaders. Call me for a link to the webinar.
I will pray for you as you look for work for stay at home moms. I also pray for you the strength and stamina to be, in my opinion, one of the most cherished persons in the world - a stay-at-home mom. You are appreciated.
My son was very handsome even as a young baby. He definitely had my brown eyes, but had the physique of my husband. It's funny how children develop as they grow up. One of the things which I felt was unusual about him was how detailed he was. When he had all his star wars figurines lined up, he would notice if a little sword was missing. I have very sweet memories of his first few years because I was a stay-at-home mom. A person who can find work for stay at home moms is very fortunate, especially if the income derived is significant and plays an important role in providing the extras that many families desire. The work for stay at home moms I found, was in party plan. I started out as a Fashion Show Director for Sarah Coventry, Inc. and was promoted to District Manager when the manager at that time moved several states away.
Staying at home was important to me. My husband had a job as a police officer, with varying schedules. Therefore, by being able to stay at home, I was able to adjust my schedule to meet the needs of my family. By not having to punch a time clock, I was allowed to sleep late if I wanted, take my time in everything I did, and also be able to be there for every milestone my son reached. It was a sweet time in my life, as I look back on it now.
My career with Sarah Coventry allowed me to also be gone several evenings a week. Those are the times when my husband could baby sit, thereby saving the costs of a baby sitter. This time also brought my son closer to his Dad. I loved Sarah Coventry and soon grew a group of over 25 Fashion Show Directors and 5 Unit Directors. I loved the competition and striving to win trips offered by the company (trips to Miami, Washington D.C., Pine Isle, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Miss Georgia Pageant...and several other trips). In fact, the first time my husband and I were away from my son was when he was two years old; we went on a cruise to the Bahamas on the Sunward II.
Many women cannot find work for stay at home moms or cannot find work which pays enough. I believe many parents should sit down and analyze the cost they are paying to have the mom work. Often, they will find that they are paying for the wife to work. After paying the cost of a sitter, wardrobe, gas, auto and auto expenses, tax increase; a family will find that it is to their advantage for a mom to stay at home and raise her child herself instead of rushing over to a babysitter. Taking a child out when they are half way sick or in cold weather, or any negative situation is a pull on the emotions. Often, a job often takes so much energy that when a mom arrives back home, she cannot be the type of mother she really wants to be.
I loved my job because it was flexible and allowed me to stay with my son. Many times, a person works because they think they have no choice, I want to say--in life, there are always choices. There is always another way other than striving to work in an environment where you will never be paid your true worth.
I am no longer a stay-at-home mom (my son is grown), but I remember the feeling of satisfaction and security I derived when I worked from home with a job which allowed me to work around my family's schedule. My advice again is to calculate the cost of your working, including the tax advantages which are allotted for having a home based businesses.
My son's formative years were spent with me. For that I am thankful. I was able to give him my own values instead of his learning them from a sitter or not even learning values at all. My daughter-in-law is also a stay-at-home mom and works from her home office, carrying on the family tradition of working from home. She, along with my son, operate a website for moms
Due to the advent of the Internet, many opportunities have presented themselves especially for people who are looking for work for stay at home moms.
Sometimes a person must ask themselves the question whether it is worth it to work for someone else. What are the long-term benefits of working for someone else? Most people will find when they are honest with themselves that they are working to put food on the table and to meet present needs.
One of my favorite things about working from home was being able to prepare wholesome meals for my family and being able to take my time. Hope you enjoy this video.
There is little long-term benefits in working for someone else, because there is no residual income. Residual income is derived when you have the opportunity to gain income for work you did before, and the income keeps coming in no matter what you do.
Sarah Coventry was a direct sales company. Some of the income I derived was like that in a sense, because I had hostesses who would take a catalog and get orders for me every time a new catalog came out. But this was not true residual income, because I was having to go through certain actions in order to have the income. I had to pick up the orders and write up the orders. True residual income requires no acton in order to receive the income.
One such opportunity to receive residual income is network marketing. People who are not familiar with network marketing may not understand the concept of network marketing. The concept is that a product or products is sold through a distribution channel which allows the company to distribute without the cost of advertising. The company uses the money which would have been originally intended for advertising and passes it on to the distributors.
One such company is the company I now work for, GBG. The reason I like the product which we offer is because it is a product which almost everyone is using anyway. They only have to change their way of purchasing. Instead of getting their product from a store, they can now purchase it from the company at a cost of less than what they would pay from the store. Therefore, there is a win-win situation involved with the company. They can count the cost of distribution and therefore be able to stay in business. Many people or businesses find that when they stop advertising, their business stops or dwindles. With a distribution source as found in network marketing, a company can stay in business because they do not have to advertise.
I have tried many sales opportunities, including cosmetics, jewelry, home decorating accessories, as well as sold large ticket items on the road (average sales of over $13,000), so I know what's out there. Being ambitious, has its pros and cons. When people are ambitious and not afraid of failure, they will keep trying until they find the right vehicle for success. The secret is once you've found the right vehicle and you have learned from your previous mistakes or learned from mistakes made by others -- keep on keeping on. Do not give up. You see others in line who have received significant income, do not---let me repeat: do not get out of line; your time is coming up. You must attach yourself to a mentor who can teach you what to do to be successful. Let the Holy Spirit of God be your guide, and you will not fail.
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms 37:4 (KJV)
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
I have been told by well-intentioned people to not tell about my company in my blog. How could I do that? I'm not ashamed of my company. I've been around the block in network marketing, and I decided if I found the right company, I would broadcast it, and that's what I'm doing. We have the most dynamic product with the most amazing compensation plan I have ever been affiliated with. The entry level is affordable for the masses (under $50), so why would I even think about keeping it "secret?"
For all the moms who are earnestly seeking work for stay at home moms, GBG is the perfect network marketing opportunity on the planet. Analyze your situation and ask yourself if this might be something you can implement into your family. If this does not meet your requirements and you have an outside job you love, then GBG could be a secondary income for your family, especially when both parents are involved.
Do you want to have the things for your family that they need and desire? There may even be things for yourself that you want, but you feel you have to sacrifice your own desires for the good of your family. Let me tell you, with the right training with GBG, you may find that sacrifice is not a necessity. Your success will be determined by your attitude, work ethic and perseverance. With a 14-year track record as a company, internet presence and the fact that we are going global in just a few months, the timing is excellent. Jump on in. Do not be afraid. There is no risk, and you even have a 60-day (100% money back guarantee on the product).
Thanks again for taking the time to visit my blog. I want to encourage you to examine the cost of staying at home. Look for work for stay at home moms with GBG. We are a group of like-minded Christian people who only want the best for our family and ourselves as well as other distributors in the company.
Should you have any further questions about signing up, just give me a call at (648) 848-5254.
You can visit my site at
We also have nightly webinars at 10:00pm EST which will also give you a good overview and explanation of the company, product and compensation plan. This call is conducted by Chris Curtis, one of my team leaders. Call me for a link to the webinar.
I will pray for you as you look for work for stay at home moms. I also pray for you the strength and stamina to be, in my opinion, one of the most cherished persons in the world - a stay-at-home mom. You are appreciated.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Christian Home Based Allows Opportunity
OK, my friend--do you want the good news or the bad news? Alright then -- I'll start out with the bad news and get it over with: according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report of October 2010, the unemployment rate is 9.6%. The good news is (1) you still have a JOB (just over broke) or (2) you don't have a job. Hey-- there's more good news: there is no bad news. It is all about your perspective. See that car in the picture above. The good news is you do not have to worry about the repo man coming to repossess it. You also don't have to worry about paying the insurance on it either. The other good news is that "whatever the mind can believe, it can achieve" -- and you ain't dead yet.
You may be one of the one in ten without a JOB--how could that be good news? The reason it could be good news is now is is a time for opportunity; an opportunity to re-evaluate your life and determine if it is going in the right direction and what you can do about it. My advice for you is to determine your purpose (your "why"). What did God put you on this earth to do? Only you will be able to determine this (not your brother, not your sister, not your best friend -- only you). What is it that gets you excited enough that you would do it even if you were never paid? After you have determined your "why," begin to make some steps (even small steps) which will lead you on the road of self-fulfillment.
God has made each of us to be a unique person. He will speak to you if you listen. You must, however, be still. In my lifetime, I have been at points where I was here, there and nowhere. This feeling actually became a lifestyle, until I began believing in the words written in the scripture of the Bible.
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? 27Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom Luke 12:22-32
When we talk about the rich as compared to the poor, their financial worries are often much the same, just the figures have more or less 0's at the end. An average person may worry about paying their taxes of $700, where a person of means might worry about those of $7000 or even $70,000.
With my company, GBG, a 14-year old Christian network marketing company which originally began as a telecommunications company and now is a nutritional company, this is the perfect time for an average person with average means to begin to embark on a future filled with prosperity. The key to your success is mindset. With our team and with the company, we work on mindset every day. The right mindset will lead you to accomplish goals. Without the right mindset, you may struggle each day more than is necessary and take much longer to begin making progress; and you may even grow weary and give up, as many without a strong "why" often do.
Network marketing is about helping to build a team of like-minded goal-oriented people who want to achieve and have a better standard of living (all for different reasons). Once I went to a meeting of about 100 people who were interested in a specific network marketing company I was part of. I began to ask these people why they were interested in this specific vehicle for making money. It surprised me to find out that most of the women, according to their answers to me, were involved for relationships. For the men--it was all about the money.
From my experience in sales of high-ticket items, I found that many men held on tight to their money, even if it was something that would be beneficial to their health. The money had become their identity. Women, on the other hand, were willing to spend money on something they felt would be beneficial to their own life and give them a sense of well being.
So, then -- since I know the answer to the the network marketing battle of the sexes, it looks like I'd go after the male of the species. But, what I have learned is that network marketing is all about relationships and many women are just better at that aspect than their male counterparts.
Therefore, network marketing has its place for both men and women (women for their need for relationship and men for their aggressive competitive nature to do whatever it takes to get the money. For this reason, couples who compliment each other are often successful.
I have the perfect solution for both women and men during this time of economic instability. My company, GBG, a Christian homebased company, has a flagship product called 10in1(a liquid multivitamin with superjuices as well as minerals and anti-oxidants, with a 3-minute absorbency rate) presently has over 100,000 consumers. Our Christian homebased company believes that within a year we will have over a million consumers of our 10in1 product. We are poised to go international in January, our first country being Mexico. Our superior product, (10in1), will then be distributed in a chewable form, reformulated and even more beneficial.
Many of you reading might not even be interested in the business aspect but would like to take extra precaution for their own health. I am including a link for you to order it. When you order it as an auto-ship product, the wholesale price is $39.95 + shipping and handling. You will not have to place an order each month. This convenient way of ordering allows the funds to come directly from your checking account or credit card. You may even like the product well enough to recommend it to others and get paid. That is how I got started.
When I first started as a consumer, I worked 50-55 hours a week on an outside job which was stressful, since I was dealing with all types of people and situations. I found that 10in1 (called that because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations) made me feel more relaxed and also gave me that extra stamina to stay alert during the late afternoon. It made a huge difference in the way I felt.
My message to you if you are unemployed is: Don't give up. God has a plan for your life. He will not let you down. This time will bring you closer to him if you learn to trust.
One thing I did learn from being without a regular JOB was how much I had depended on my job to tell me who I was, and when it was no longer there--I felt defeated. I am here to tell you that just because you don't have a JOB, use this time for reflection, getting closer to the Lord, and a time for self growth and setting new goals for the future.
My prayer is that this post today has encouraged you. The Bible says that we are to encourage ourselves in the Lord. So sing, dance, talk positive to yourself, surround yourself with positive people - drench yourself in the word -- whatever it takes.
Often, we all (including myself) get caught up in thinking about what we don't have instead of what we do have. Create in yourself an attitude of gratitude. If you are going on interviews, this attitude will make a positive impact. Companies want to hire people who are nice to be with. When a person has the "woe is me" attitude, nobody wants to be around them.
To Learn More about the GBG Opportunity Click Here
You may also call me direct at (678)848-5254
You may be one of the one in ten without a JOB--how could that be good news? The reason it could be good news is now is is a time for opportunity; an opportunity to re-evaluate your life and determine if it is going in the right direction and what you can do about it. My advice for you is to determine your purpose (your "why"). What did God put you on this earth to do? Only you will be able to determine this (not your brother, not your sister, not your best friend -- only you). What is it that gets you excited enough that you would do it even if you were never paid? After you have determined your "why," begin to make some steps (even small steps) which will lead you on the road of self-fulfillment.
God has made each of us to be a unique person. He will speak to you if you listen. You must, however, be still. In my lifetime, I have been at points where I was here, there and nowhere. This feeling actually became a lifestyle, until I began believing in the words written in the scripture of the Bible.
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? 27Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom Luke 12:22-32
When we talk about the rich as compared to the poor, their financial worries are often much the same, just the figures have more or less 0's at the end. An average person may worry about paying their taxes of $700, where a person of means might worry about those of $7000 or even $70,000.
With my company, GBG, a 14-year old Christian network marketing company which originally began as a telecommunications company and now is a nutritional company, this is the perfect time for an average person with average means to begin to embark on a future filled with prosperity. The key to your success is mindset. With our team and with the company, we work on mindset every day. The right mindset will lead you to accomplish goals. Without the right mindset, you may struggle each day more than is necessary and take much longer to begin making progress; and you may even grow weary and give up, as many without a strong "why" often do.
Network marketing is about helping to build a team of like-minded goal-oriented people who want to achieve and have a better standard of living (all for different reasons). Once I went to a meeting of about 100 people who were interested in a specific network marketing company I was part of. I began to ask these people why they were interested in this specific vehicle for making money. It surprised me to find out that most of the women, according to their answers to me, were involved for relationships. For the men--it was all about the money.
From my experience in sales of high-ticket items, I found that many men held on tight to their money, even if it was something that would be beneficial to their health. The money had become their identity. Women, on the other hand, were willing to spend money on something they felt would be beneficial to their own life and give them a sense of well being.
So, then -- since I know the answer to the the network marketing battle of the sexes, it looks like I'd go after the male of the species. But, what I have learned is that network marketing is all about relationships and many women are just better at that aspect than their male counterparts.
Therefore, network marketing has its place for both men and women (women for their need for relationship and men for their aggressive competitive nature to do whatever it takes to get the money. For this reason, couples who compliment each other are often successful.
I have the perfect solution for both women and men during this time of economic instability. My company, GBG, a Christian homebased company, has a flagship product called 10in1(a liquid multivitamin with superjuices as well as minerals and anti-oxidants, with a 3-minute absorbency rate) presently has over 100,000 consumers. Our Christian homebased company believes that within a year we will have over a million consumers of our 10in1 product. We are poised to go international in January, our first country being Mexico. Our superior product, (10in1), will then be distributed in a chewable form, reformulated and even more beneficial.
Many of you reading might not even be interested in the business aspect but would like to take extra precaution for their own health. I am including a link for you to order it. When you order it as an auto-ship product, the wholesale price is $39.95 + shipping and handling. You will not have to place an order each month. This convenient way of ordering allows the funds to come directly from your checking account or credit card. You may even like the product well enough to recommend it to others and get paid. That is how I got started.
When I first started as a consumer, I worked 50-55 hours a week on an outside job which was stressful, since I was dealing with all types of people and situations. I found that 10in1 (called that because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations) made me feel more relaxed and also gave me that extra stamina to stay alert during the late afternoon. It made a huge difference in the way I felt.
My message to you if you are unemployed is: Don't give up. God has a plan for your life. He will not let you down. This time will bring you closer to him if you learn to trust.
One thing I did learn from being without a regular JOB was how much I had depended on my job to tell me who I was, and when it was no longer there--I felt defeated. I am here to tell you that just because you don't have a JOB, use this time for reflection, getting closer to the Lord, and a time for self growth and setting new goals for the future.
My prayer is that this post today has encouraged you. The Bible says that we are to encourage ourselves in the Lord. So sing, dance, talk positive to yourself, surround yourself with positive people - drench yourself in the word -- whatever it takes.
Often, we all (including myself) get caught up in thinking about what we don't have instead of what we do have. Create in yourself an attitude of gratitude. If you are going on interviews, this attitude will make a positive impact. Companies want to hire people who are nice to be with. When a person has the "woe is me" attitude, nobody wants to be around them.
To Learn More about the GBG Opportunity Click Here
You may also call me direct at (678)848-5254
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Christian Homebased Business is not the Answer to All Problems
My friends, this is the first blog I have had reluctance to publish. Actually, I did publish it for about an hour last night and then took it down. You see, my purpose is to give hope to the hopeless. Sometimes, however, when it comes to encouraging my own family, I fall short--especially when on the surface the circumstance seems to be "hopeless."
I use my blog to get out the good message of Jesus Christ and to present the gospel (the good news) concerning our eternal life and the reason why Christ came. My sideline business is just the vehicle used to support myself financially. I pray I never come across as using my relationship with God to elevate myself financially. The financial aspect is only a secondary reaction which happens when I lift the name of Jesus Christ.
After reflection, I decided to again post this blog because it might be just what is needed for someone to know that they are not alone in their own "hopeless" situation. God has a plan and he knows what he is doing. Maybe part of the plan is for us to work on a cure for the diseases which effect the lives of so many of our loved ones as well as to put our trust in him during times of when we feel hopeless.
This disease effects people differently, but it is no respecter of persons. The disease effects the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. It is a cruel disease which is very hard emotionally on all who participate in the caretaking of the individual.
My mother has been the sole caretaker for my step-father for the last three years when the disease started to show its ugly face. She has been brave in this battle, but unless a miracle takes place -- the battle is lost. The disease continues until it drains most of the dignity a person has or until they do not recognize anyone or even themselves.
I believe in miracles and will continue to pray for a miracle to take place. Usually not at a loss for words, today there are few words to explain my emotions. There are no words or explanations -- only prayers.
I still continue in my faith and know that "all things are possible with God" including miracles and cures for debilitating diseases.
My step-father was the rock in the family. He had a philosophy that everyone was supposed to work hard, and he used himself to be an example. Never one to play golf, watch sports or even have hobbies (except for collecting old cars), he finally started playing Rook with my mother, his brother and his brother's wife only just a few years ago. This small act made my mother very happy--but all that came to an end when Alzheimer's took over. I curse that disease.
I cannot do anything but pray now for my step-father in regards to his health and strength for my mother.
If you would like to take a proactive role in your own healthcare, you may make a decision to exercise, watch your diet and take a high quality multivitamin along with minerals. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend 10in1, a liquid multivitamin which is absorbed into the body within 3 minutes. Because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations, you may be one of the ones that may feel some type of health difference. Since it does have a 60-day money back guarantee, there is no risk involved.
To order now or if you are interested in the GBG distributor opportunity, please take a look at the following site.
ORDER 10in1 NOW (Click Here)
GBG Distributor Opportunity
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14 KJV
I use my blog to get out the good message of Jesus Christ and to present the gospel (the good news) concerning our eternal life and the reason why Christ came. My sideline business is just the vehicle used to support myself financially. I pray I never come across as using my relationship with God to elevate myself financially. The financial aspect is only a secondary reaction which happens when I lift the name of Jesus Christ.
After reflection, I decided to again post this blog because it might be just what is needed for someone to know that they are not alone in their own "hopeless" situation. God has a plan and he knows what he is doing. Maybe part of the plan is for us to work on a cure for the diseases which effect the lives of so many of our loved ones as well as to put our trust in him during times of when we feel hopeless.
I write to you today from heartache, my friend. I will take a few minutes to discuss my experience with Alzheimer's Disease as it relates to my family. As I write, my step-father, a man who worked very hard all his life to provide for his family, is in a hospital for evaluation. This is the second attempt, medical specialty personnel have attempted to find a way to regulate the medication he takes.This disease effects people differently, but it is no respecter of persons. The disease effects the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. It is a cruel disease which is very hard emotionally on all who participate in the caretaking of the individual.
My mother has been the sole caretaker for my step-father for the last three years when the disease started to show its ugly face. She has been brave in this battle, but unless a miracle takes place -- the battle is lost. The disease continues until it drains most of the dignity a person has or until they do not recognize anyone or even themselves.
I believe in miracles and will continue to pray for a miracle to take place. Usually not at a loss for words, today there are few words to explain my emotions. There are no words or explanations -- only prayers.
I still continue in my faith and know that "all things are possible with God" including miracles and cures for debilitating diseases.
My step-father was the rock in the family. He had a philosophy that everyone was supposed to work hard, and he used himself to be an example. Never one to play golf, watch sports or even have hobbies (except for collecting old cars), he finally started playing Rook with my mother, his brother and his brother's wife only just a few years ago. This small act made my mother very happy--but all that came to an end when Alzheimer's took over. I curse that disease.
I cannot do anything but pray now for my step-father in regards to his health and strength for my mother.
If you would like to take a proactive role in your own healthcare, you may make a decision to exercise, watch your diet and take a high quality multivitamin along with minerals. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend 10in1, a liquid multivitamin which is absorbed into the body within 3 minutes. Because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations, you may be one of the ones that may feel some type of health difference. Since it does have a 60-day money back guarantee, there is no risk involved.
To order now or if you are interested in the GBG distributor opportunity, please take a look at the following site.
ORDER 10in1 NOW (Click Here)
GBG Distributor Opportunity
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14 KJV
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
GBG Christian Homebased Business May be Your Answer to Pain Relief
On this post, I am going to present my own experience and deliverance from pain. Some of you might find it contoversial; however, there might be a few of you who can divide the word of truth as it applies to your own circumstance or that of someone you know who is in pain.
Pain is a subject many people refuse to discuss. Others discuss pain as a means to capture attention, and thereby relieve themselves of the responsbility to do anything about their pain--puting the problem on someone else. Pain is a body's way of crying out, "hey---you---something is wrong. Many people cover the pain up by taking medication; in fact pain medication is a way of life for many people. The medication masks the symptoms. There is a whole industry in the medical field which supports this very problem. Often, the medication brings with it other problems including addiction. Taking pain medication and then needing something stronger to cover the pain-- a vicious cycle.
For me, and many people, pain has sprung forth from some type of traumatic events (either in their childhood or even after an adult). Lingering pain can effect every aspect of a person's life.
When I was in my early 30's I experienced a great deal of physical pain. The pain was all over my back, and I really did not know the cause at the time. Instead of being able to figure out what the cause was and dealing with the cause, I went through a series of tests to try and determine how to get myself patched up in order to be able to provide and my small child. I was alone through most of this time -- a single mother trying her best to raise a child by herself.
The first visit to the doctor revealed nothing; a test for arthritis was done which proved negative. Medication including muscle relaxers was given, but no relief was found. I continued my best to live my life as normally as possible. I had an artheogram, a cat-scan, went to a chiropractor three times a week as well as had many kinds of medications prescribed. I was in severe pain all throughout all this. As a last resort, I even went for counselling to determine the pain. I remember asking my doctor if he had anything that would help me feel better like some type of strong vitamin. He did prescribe some type of vitamin, but it really didn't help either.
If you are in pain, what I would like for you to do (that is if you really want relief) is order a bottle of 10in1. This product is sold by the company I represent-GBG. Many people have found that by proper nutrition, exercise, as well as supplementation, much of their pain has been relieved.
Click Here to Order 10in1
It is my belief that many people want pain. They own their pain by calling it theirs. (My headache is getting worse; my back is "killing" me, are examples of words they might say). Unless they have been taught, they continue to bring this emotional turmoil on themselves by the words they use and the thoughts they think.
I also believe some pain is actually caused by demonic oppression with Christians and demonic possession by non-Christians. At one time in my life, I was healed at my church when a pastor who specialized in spiritual warfare came and spoke and preached the truth found in the scripture of the Bible. I learned that I could have control and that I had command over evil spirits, one being the spirit of infirmity. Hands were laid on me and a prayer said something like this, "I command you spirit of infirmity to leave my body in the name of Jesus Christ. I command you to go to the pit and be bound. I do this in the authority of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ."
This prayer was prayed over me and the domonic spirit had to leave. Prior to this release, I could not even hold anybody's hand without severe pain coming to my shoulder. After the release, the pain left. I was no longer in pain. However, a few weeks later the pain began to come back. When prayer was called for at the end of one of the services, I went forward for prayer. I was thankful that the person who prayed with me was familiar with this type of situation. She told me that she was an example of someone who should be dead (I think she said something about a blood situation or something like that). She told me that this pain coming back was caused by "familiar spirits" and that they wanted to come back. She told me that I must again go into spiritual warfare and keep commanding the spirits to leave until the spirits finally left me alone. That is exactly what I did. For all these years, I have had some battles, but no severe pain like I had experienced before the deliverence.
Now, why am I saying this when I talk about a product I think might help you with your pain, as it has many people? The answer is that Jesus said some types of spirits would come out by prayer and fasting. He also said that greater things that he had done, others would do.
So, what I want to tell you if you do have pain is:
(1) do not own the pain
(2) pray for God to show the cause of the pain in order to eliminate the cause
(3) if no cause can be found, fight with spiritual warfare
(4) take 10in1 which is a highly effective multivitamin with superjuices which
may be able to help
I cannot guarantee your healing. I cannot guarantee you that your pain will be relieved. I cannot even guarantee you that you will feel better. What I can tell you, however, is that our company does offer a 60-day money back guarantee on the product. You have no risk involved, so why not try it for yourself and see (that is, unless you are one of those people who wants to continue with their victim mentality in order to receive pity and attention from those around you). I pray to God you are not. He has work for you to do, my friend, and pain is a hindrance. We know that Paul had his "thorn in the side," by why have a "thorn in the side" if you don't have to.
I believe that many people have pain caused by stress. If you are going through alot of stress, try your best to get rid of stressors: some may be from bad relationships and some may even be from a bad work environment. Begin by making future plans to rest more, plan future vacations and time outs. Begin delegating some of your responsibilities if at all possible.
Many people bring emotional stress and the pain associated with it on themselves. Don't be one of them. You must begin taking care of your body before it begins to break down and has a result of some kind of disease.
As I told you before, I sold walkin bathtubs. Many of these people who could not get in or out of a bathtub had so many health problems --taking over 10 medications a day. Try 10in1 and see if it makes a difference in the way you feel. I can tell you from experience, It has helped me in many ways -- especially in terms of being able to relax more and have more energy. I am 57 years old and take no medications. I also have no health problems. I rarely get sick. I have not been to a doctor for sickness in over four years.
Below is a link to order your product. If you want, you can order the product on autoship which will allow the product to come to you automatically every month, making it convenient. I pray for you as you embark on a journey to regain your health.
I have told you the message. It is up to you to do something about your pain. As a final thought, make sure to watch your words in how you talk about the pain you may be experiencing. Use the word of God to tell you the truth about your situation. The word must go into the heart and not just the head. Meditate on the word. You must believe in your heart that the word of God is true.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Christian Homebased Business Allows Freedom for Study and Self-Growth
In order to be successful, we must evolve into the persons God meant for us to become. Sometimes, we wonder around like a chicken with his head cut off, not knowing what to do first or where to go. I really don't consider any level we have achieved on our own, without God's guidance, to be a success (maybe in someone else's eyes, yes--but, in God's sight, --no.). Driving a luxury automobile just for everyone to see, and living in a beautiful house just for everyone to admire, are outwards symbols of what some people classify as success. God's idea, I believe, is something different. Many times, all these status symbols do is require that we work harder to be able to acquire things that we are not able to enjoy because the work requires and robs us of our most precious comodity - time. I believe God wants and requires something more.
God does allow some people to have these status symbols for various reasons, but not to show them or others that they are successful.
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:21(KJV)
I believe sometimes God allows us to lose these "things," just as Job did, only to show us what we have built our lives on and to show us that He is the only thing we are to build our lives on. He is our solid foundation through his word and trusting in his guidance through the Holy Spirit.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 16:25 KJV
If you really trust in God, you will realize that his plan is good, and when he allows things to be taken away, it is only for our own good. He is working on our spirits to mold us into his likeness. Many Americans have lost everything they've worked hard to achieve all their lives. But God is a God of restoration and will restore what the enemy has taken away.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV
And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:25
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV
And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:25
Sometimes what we consider as an asset, like a big home is not an asset at all. This was proved only recently when home values are no longer worth even what is owed. That is the reason many Americans walked away from homes they owned--they could no longer afford the payments or even the rich have walked away considering their investment a bad one, so they just walked away. The recent upturn in home sales had nothing to do with an upturn in the economy, rather it was due to short sales (fast sales where the bank allowed a person to sell their homes for less than what was owed). The recent economic meltdown, which in my opinion grew from greed in the housing industry, has effected every aspect of our lives. I am not saying--walk away from your home if you owe on it more than it is worth; I am saying you can no longer consider your home as a cash cow "asset." Investments must be made elsewhere.
And your car; the moment you take it from the car dealership--it has depreciated in value. It is often hard for many Americans to drive a car which they deem to be inferior to those around them. It does something to their self esteem. We are spoiled to a lifestyle of debt, and when a person loses his job, that vehicle is then a liability. Who cares about driving an expensive luxury car when a person is having a hard time putting food on the table.
We must get to a place in life where we are thankful for what we have, but not let debt be our lifestyle. The Bible says:
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8 KJV
I have a solution for many who wish to improve their economic status and get out of debt. My answer for them is GBG, my Christian Homebased company. I do not mix my beliefs with GBG in order to use God as a footstool for my own success. I allow GBG to be my platform to show people that there is another way to live, including financial success.
When a person works for someone else, they will never be paid what they are actually worth. Even if your job has a high-paying salary, it is always best to have a plan B. Most positions do not involve residual income, unless you might be in say insurance or security monitoring equipment, or something similar (the jobs most of us don't want to do). Therefore, network marketing is the most viable vehicle for success that I know of.
As I explained on a previous post, finding the right network marketing company to work with is very difficult at times, and often requires a series of hits and misses before a person actually knows what they are looking for when they join forces with a company and actually get serious about their future.
With GBG, we have an easy to duplicate program and an entry level which I feel is affordable for the masses (less than $50 which includes your free website to market). With many people having no insurance or little insurance, our main product (10in1) is a "must have" for the average person, whether they want to admit it or not. With nutrients being depleated from our foods and the beginning of many different strains of viruses, it is imperative for people to have a powerful antioxident in their system. Most nutritional products on the market only offer one or two benefits, but 10in1 was formulated to answer many different health problems. Our product is only $39.95 + shipping and handling.
I was involved with another network marketing company only last year which had a product that cost me almost $200 for a month's supply. I entered that company when money was no problem; I had a regular job. After dropping out of that company due to the fact that the economy was on a downturn and I, as well as many other people just could not afford the product, I found GBG and our 10in1 product. It gave me more energy than the other product which cost me about $200 for a month's supply--and this was a huge company. I even went to one of their large conventions. My friend who had sponsored me found that all at once her monthly check went from around $5,000/month to $500. People could not afford the product to stay on it.
As I continue to work with my company, I am going through a period of self growth. I can afford to take this journey towards health and wholeness due to the fact that the price is affordable and only replaces regular vitaminis I would have purchased. Most people who are into health products will tell you that they would pay about the same price for even one of the ingredients found in our product. The price is a bargain, when you consider long-term health. The ingredients are absorbed into your body within three minutes. The reason most people will tell you that they feel more energy after taking it is because it works on the body at the cellular level effecting the mitochondria (which is the powerhouse of the cell). I am thankful I found GBG. I had actually used it just as a customer for about six months before I began to seriously promote the business aspect.
If you are in a bad financial situation, you really cannot afford not to look at the opportunity. You will not have to sell, just point people towards our nightly webinar at: CLICK HERE FOR WEBINAR REGISTRATION
Also, you can visit my website to hear more about the company and our incredible product and payplan.
I pray that you have a great day and are able to take time for self-growth (both spiritually - and financially.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2
Monday, November 15, 2010
Just Another Birthday! (Christian Homebased)
Today is my birthday and it is now noon, as I hear my cellphone alarm with a wakeup call I recently set to remind me, "Have you done anything significant for the Lord today?" Unfortunately, the answer most days is, "no." In the background I also hear church chimes reminding me to worship each day and be thankful for what God has given me. Being able to work from home with my Christian home based business, is one of the things I am most thankful for is my Christian homebased business-- because it allows me to determine my own God-given destiny .
My Christian Homebased Company
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 (KJV)
For years, I wrote in journals; stacks and stacks--once I threw them all away except for a couple. It seemed as though I was wasting alot of time. What is strange about all those journals, is the stories seemed to be the same (only different circumstances with different names). I did not know how to break out of whatever it was that had me gripped into thinking I was not worthy to receive blessings God so freely gives, and the writings in my journals underlined that reality. But a writer has to write--and soon the journals started again; however, now I have another outlet to write, and it is a "God thing."
The word "sin" in the Bible means a violation of God's law--which has with it the penalty of death. We all have sinned but God sent his son, Jesus, to earth to live as a man and be our sacrifice. God desired relationship with us, but knew it was impossible to live without sin, so Jesus who was without sin, took our place and died for us (as we were the ones who were guilty). It is only through the blood of Jesus that we can actually begin to communicate with the Father.
The Problem:
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12 KJV
The Solution
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9 KJV
Even though I professed to be a Christian, my life was consumed with yearnings to be loved (I suppose coming from a childhood where I was isolated and unloved for a time--caused from the divorce of my parents and the subsequent repercussions from it), or just maybe it was:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 KJV
Because I had not learned to trust God enough to fulfill my desires in his timing, my life was a jumble of mixed emotions. You might be in the same situation now. You may be in a relationship which is unholy, whether it is a close friendship with a non-believer or whether it is an adulterous relationship, (even one you have been toying with in your mind just to get through the day). Stop. These are not God's desires for you. He has a plan for your life, and it is good.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
These strong desires are not from God. These desires are from the enemy who wants to kill you and those around you. An unholy relationship can ruin your life and your Christian witness, as well as well as keep you in mental turmoil. I can tell you these things from experience. When I "fell in love" with a man who was not chosen for me by God, the only thing that mattered to me was this relationship--he was the one who told me who I was and where I received my identity. The problem with this relationship was that I loved the person more than I did God, and God is a jealous God.
Because of the on-again, off-again relationship and all the drama involved, the emotion which I thought was "love" at the time, and later determined it to be "addiction," gave my life no base for serving my Savior. This relationship robbed me of true love and lead me on a road to depression which through Christ and his word has lead me to a road of healing, victory and eventually true joy--not the temporary euphoria found in a thrilling, yet "unholy" relationship.
If the Bible says something is "sin," it is sin. There is no justification for taking part in any type of sin, especially day after day after day. These relationships, which bring with them both extreme high peaks and deep valleys, can be very exciting and intoxicating. The fact is, most people have become comfortable being "uncomfortable" -- when one uncomfortable relationship ends, they soon begin to attract another, never repenting or learning from their past.
A life of continual drama is a lifestyle--one drama scene after another and for what? Even in our country, leadership is still taking us down the wrong road as we continue to go more and more into debt which is "sin." Yes, we have accepted some things God calls "sin" as a way of life.
Jesus Christ is our way of escape. He tells us what to do in his word, but few want to give up what they have been "comfortable" with.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
I am here to tell you that your "comfort zone" is what is going to be the death of you, if it is not "holy."
I am thankful God has given me the opportunity to work with my Christian homebased company, GBG. The product I represent has helped many people as well as myself to have better health. But the thing I am most thankful for is through my leadership training, I have learned my purpose which is to "give hope to the hopeless, (physically, financially and spiritually.)"
My word for you today is to examine your relationships, and if you find that you are involved in any "unholy" toxic relationships which do not magnify your loving God, ask him to forgive you and run away from sin. This decision to change is very painful for all involved, the pain is ten times as painful to stay. There is no better time than to do it today. If you wait, it might be too late. If you remain attached, it could mean someones eternity.
My birthday is today, November 15. If you have not given your heart to the Lord, this could be your birthday too--a birthday that even the angels would celebrate. I, too, would rejoice; -- and it would be the grandest birthday present I have ever received.
How to Have Eternal Life
I praise God for friends and I thank you for taking time to read this blog. It might have only been for one person, and that one person just might be you.
My Christian Homebased Company
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 (KJV)
Things began to change for me recently when I determined my purpose and began to flow in the gifting God has given me. My blog and writing have given me a new reason to flow in the anointing.
For years, I wrote in journals; stacks and stacks--once I threw them all away except for a couple. It seemed as though I was wasting alot of time. What is strange about all those journals, is the stories seemed to be the same (only different circumstances with different names). I did not know how to break out of whatever it was that had me gripped into thinking I was not worthy to receive blessings God so freely gives, and the writings in my journals underlined that reality. But a writer has to write--and soon the journals started again; however, now I have another outlet to write, and it is a "God thing."
The word "sin" in the Bible means a violation of God's law--which has with it the penalty of death. We all have sinned but God sent his son, Jesus, to earth to live as a man and be our sacrifice. God desired relationship with us, but knew it was impossible to live without sin, so Jesus who was without sin, took our place and died for us (as we were the ones who were guilty). It is only through the blood of Jesus that we can actually begin to communicate with the Father.
The Problem:
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12 KJV
The Solution
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9 KJV
Even though I professed to be a Christian, my life was consumed with yearnings to be loved (I suppose coming from a childhood where I was isolated and unloved for a time--caused from the divorce of my parents and the subsequent repercussions from it), or just maybe it was:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 KJV
Because I had not learned to trust God enough to fulfill my desires in his timing, my life was a jumble of mixed emotions. You might be in the same situation now. You may be in a relationship which is unholy, whether it is a close friendship with a non-believer or whether it is an adulterous relationship, (even one you have been toying with in your mind just to get through the day). Stop. These are not God's desires for you. He has a plan for your life, and it is good.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
These strong desires are not from God. These desires are from the enemy who wants to kill you and those around you. An unholy relationship can ruin your life and your Christian witness, as well as well as keep you in mental turmoil. I can tell you these things from experience. When I "fell in love" with a man who was not chosen for me by God, the only thing that mattered to me was this relationship--he was the one who told me who I was and where I received my identity. The problem with this relationship was that I loved the person more than I did God, and God is a jealous God.
Because of the on-again, off-again relationship and all the drama involved, the emotion which I thought was "love" at the time, and later determined it to be "addiction," gave my life no base for serving my Savior. This relationship robbed me of true love and lead me on a road to depression which through Christ and his word has lead me to a road of healing, victory and eventually true joy--not the temporary euphoria found in a thrilling, yet "unholy" relationship.
If the Bible says something is "sin," it is sin. There is no justification for taking part in any type of sin, especially day after day after day. These relationships, which bring with them both extreme high peaks and deep valleys, can be very exciting and intoxicating. The fact is, most people have become comfortable being "uncomfortable" -- when one uncomfortable relationship ends, they soon begin to attract another, never repenting or learning from their past.
A life of continual drama is a lifestyle--one drama scene after another and for what? Even in our country, leadership is still taking us down the wrong road as we continue to go more and more into debt which is "sin." Yes, we have accepted some things God calls "sin" as a way of life.
Jesus Christ is our way of escape. He tells us what to do in his word, but few want to give up what they have been "comfortable" with.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
I am here to tell you that your "comfort zone" is what is going to be the death of you, if it is not "holy."
I am thankful God has given me the opportunity to work with my Christian homebased company, GBG. The product I represent has helped many people as well as myself to have better health. But the thing I am most thankful for is through my leadership training, I have learned my purpose which is to "give hope to the hopeless, (physically, financially and spiritually.)"
My word for you today is to examine your relationships, and if you find that you are involved in any "unholy" toxic relationships which do not magnify your loving God, ask him to forgive you and run away from sin. This decision to change is very painful for all involved, the pain is ten times as painful to stay. There is no better time than to do it today. If you wait, it might be too late. If you remain attached, it could mean someones eternity.
My birthday is today, November 15. If you have not given your heart to the Lord, this could be your birthday too--a birthday that even the angels would celebrate. I, too, would rejoice; -- and it would be the grandest birthday present I have ever received.
How to Have Eternal Life
I praise God for friends and I thank you for taking time to read this blog. It might have only been for one person, and that one person just might be you.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Time for Rest - GBG Christian Home Based
For the past few days, I've begun to wonder if I turn some people off by talking about my relationship with God. I know the answer--you don't even have to say anything. I just wonder to myself why we have come to a point in our country where many people in general do not want to hear. These people seem to put themselves on a pedestal and think themselves intellectually superior because they base their lives on what they believe to be facts and have no room for the true word of God--the same Bible on which our country was founded. Our founding fathers would probably turn in their graves if they knew what our so called democracy had turned into.
Personally, I'm sick of being "politically correct" all the time. The truth is, I love people. I hate to see people suffer, especially those close to me. My goal is to give hope to the hopeless, and the only way I know to do that is point them to Jesus, the only truth I know.
Ok, yeah, it's ok to post on your Facebook, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, but anything more personal is to be avoided. Being kicked in the face because of encouraging words I have written is not easy to overcome, but "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world." I John 4:4
Why can't we all just love each other and care for each other? We're not dealing with plastic dolls; there are real hurting people in this world. If we could all just reach out and be "real"--and not have to put on some false facade in order for people to like us.
According to a Gallup Poll (see link below), 78% of Americans identify with Christianity, but the number is steadily declining, mostly due to the fact that there are more who identify with nothing. We have taken Bible out of schools and in general made speaking about a relationship with Christ socially unacceptable and politically incorrect, especially in the workplace, where the majority of Americans spend over half of the waking time.
Gallup Poll
I did a search on google for "Famous Christians," and yes- my name was not there--just as I had figured. Those people who were on the list were people out in the limelight. I'm just thankful that to be a Christian, I don't have to be famous or on a certain list. The only list that is important is the one written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Nobody even has to know my name. But God knows his children and they know his voice. I have made many mistakes in my life, but my Father God forgives and loves me just as he will you.
Let me say openly, I am a Child of God, the Great I Am, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords; and one day he is coming back to take his children home. If it were not for my father, I have not reason to exist. His word is the same today as it was when it was first written-- and one day every knee will bow to the name that is known above all names - Jesus.
Until that day, I will spread the good news that Jesus is Lord and reins victorious. We are more than conquerors thru Jesus.
Some might think that being a Christian is a sad life. It is to the contrary. Once his spirit really enters into your heart, he brings peace and joy beyond comprehension. Even in times of trial, he is always there. I really wished I could explain how he has always been with me and thru what circumstances he has. I do not condemn those who are not of the faith--I just say to them, I must be about my Father's business. All I can do is pray that they come to understand the truth. I must say the responsibility is not all mine to tell those who do not know the gospel. The job is too big for pastors and people who really want to minister to the needs of those who have been deceived--it takes everyone of us.
In order not to take responsibility, some people may say:
"Hey, I would never be a Christian. I mean, look at all the hypocrites in the Church!"
One could answer:
“Well, we'd be glad to move over—there's always room for one more. And furthermore, if you ever find the perfect church, please don't join it. You'd spoil it.”
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. John 14:6
Personally, I'm sick of being "politically correct" all the time. The truth is, I love people. I hate to see people suffer, especially those close to me. My goal is to give hope to the hopeless, and the only way I know to do that is point them to Jesus, the only truth I know.
Ok, yeah, it's ok to post on your Facebook, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, but anything more personal is to be avoided. Being kicked in the face because of encouraging words I have written is not easy to overcome, but "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world." I John 4:4
Why can't we all just love each other and care for each other? We're not dealing with plastic dolls; there are real hurting people in this world. If we could all just reach out and be "real"--and not have to put on some false facade in order for people to like us.
According to a Gallup Poll (see link below), 78% of Americans identify with Christianity, but the number is steadily declining, mostly due to the fact that there are more who identify with nothing. We have taken Bible out of schools and in general made speaking about a relationship with Christ socially unacceptable and politically incorrect, especially in the workplace, where the majority of Americans spend over half of the waking time.
Gallup Poll
I did a search on google for "Famous Christians," and yes- my name was not there--just as I had figured. Those people who were on the list were people out in the limelight. I'm just thankful that to be a Christian, I don't have to be famous or on a certain list. The only list that is important is the one written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Nobody even has to know my name. But God knows his children and they know his voice. I have made many mistakes in my life, but my Father God forgives and loves me just as he will you.
Let me say openly, I am a Child of God, the Great I Am, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords; and one day he is coming back to take his children home. If it were not for my father, I have not reason to exist. His word is the same today as it was when it was first written-- and one day every knee will bow to the name that is known above all names - Jesus.
Until that day, I will spread the good news that Jesus is Lord and reins victorious. We are more than conquerors thru Jesus.
Some might think that being a Christian is a sad life. It is to the contrary. Once his spirit really enters into your heart, he brings peace and joy beyond comprehension. Even in times of trial, he is always there. I really wished I could explain how he has always been with me and thru what circumstances he has. I do not condemn those who are not of the faith--I just say to them, I must be about my Father's business. All I can do is pray that they come to understand the truth. I must say the responsibility is not all mine to tell those who do not know the gospel. The job is too big for pastors and people who really want to minister to the needs of those who have been deceived--it takes everyone of us.
In order not to take responsibility, some people may say:
"Hey, I would never be a Christian. I mean, look at all the hypocrites in the Church!"
One could answer:
“Well, we'd be glad to move over—there's always room for one more. And furthermore, if you ever find the perfect church, please don't join it. You'd spoil it.”
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. John 14:6
Friday, November 12, 2010
Don't be afraid to Reach Your Goals - Nerium - Christian Homebased
Cindy Brooks (423) 475-5918
Free Home Based Business Consultation
Once, my neighbors went downtown to get clothes that were being given to people who were underprivileged and I went with them. When I came back, my mother was standing there ironing clothes. I had three dresses I thought were beautiful in my hand. I was particularly excited about a yellow dress with two large pockets in the front. Just looking at that dress made me feel happy. I told my mother that somehow the people downtown had gotten me mixed up and thought I was poor too. She didn't say anything. My mother worked hard as a homemaker trying her best to keep everything in line with a simple life being provided for us four kids, me being the oldest.
We spent two years living in the housing project and they were incredibly fun. I never knew I was poor because everyone else around me was poor. We would even go looking for pennies, one of our favorite pastimes--but still not realizing I was poor. I had an aunt with five kids who wanted to move into the projects, but they said she made too much money, even though I would have thought her family might have been on a lower scale than ours. My Dad was a barber along with my uncle Hoyt and my grandfather. My Dad cut hair for twelve years before the hippy era came, and his customers no longer cut their hair. Grandfather continued because most of his customers were older and conservative.
Anyway, my Dad along with most of his brothers were alcoholics--so as I look back on it now, maybe much of the money went towards alcohol (whisky the drink of choice). I remember bottles being hid around the house. My Dad later gave his life to the Lord and does not drink alcohol now. He said that if he ever started, he could not quit; therefore he does not drink at all. Alcohol was what killed my parents' marriage which ended when I was ten years old.
I'm telling you where I come from only to explain my story and an important lesson I learned at an early age about going for your goals. The situation occured after we moved closer to the other side of town, probably a step up, even though I didn't know it at the time. This was the time when the first mall in Chattanooga was opened. The event was an Easter Egg Scramble. It worked like this--everything was roped off and plastic eggs with prizes in them were scattered all over the parking lot. Along with the marshmallow eggs, these plastic eggs had the name of a store and the gift being offered written down on a small piece of paper inside the egg. Security guards were on hand in case any problems developed. We were all told to stay back until we hear a whistle blow. Soon it was blown and all the kids on hand all ran at once to pick up as many eggs as possible. It was a very exciting day for us all.
Before the whistle was blown, before we ran for the eggs, I noticed there were several baskets out in the center. I did not run out towards the center. What would have been the use. Everyone would have been running for those baskets (which were about five feet high stuffed with all kinds of goodies and prize eggs). I tried as hard as I could to pick up those eggs closest to me. After the Easter Egg Scramble was over, I noticed Gerry, my cousin--the one everyone called Popeye, who was about three years younger than me, with a huge smile on his face. He was elated as he stood beside one of the baskets. I said, "Gerry, how did you get that?" Wow, I couldn't believe it. He said, just matter of factly, "nobody else was trying to get it; it was easy." The lesson I learned that day was that if you see something that you want--your mindset must be focused towards getting it. There are so many people who are not going to go for the big prizes because they do not believe they can receive. Gerry believed he'd get one of those baskets, and he did. Had he never tried, he would never have known.
This same thing happened to my son in regards to his degree in Art Education. He did his student teaching and did not like teaching. I asked him if he felt bad he had his degree in something that he didn't like. I was the one who had encouraged him to get a degree in something that he loved and not to worry about the money. It's funny how when you follow your passion, the world aligns itself to give you what you expect. My son really liked computer technology and decided to get Microsoft certified. His career field was enlarged because he had his degree and was affiliated with the educational aspect of the field in which he was interested. His experience intertwined with his goal, and he was soon earning a six-figure income, at least up until the last few years with corporate cutbacks. Anyway, he loves his job and his career, even though now he drives over 120 miles to work each day. It all started by just going for it and having the proper mindset to achieve his goals.
Sidenote: 3/17/13: Brian no longer drives over 120 miles to work. He, along with my two beautiful grandchildren and daughter-in-law moved back home. He has a beautiful home, works for himself and made more in one month than he did his best year working for someone else. Most of the time he only has a few steps from his bedroom to get to his office.
Mindset is so very important. So many children are not taught to go after their goals, and many do not have self-confidence that they will receive. I believe that is the reason why the Bible states:
For ye have the poor with you always - Mark 14:7 KJV
It's all about mindset and moving towards a desired end. It's all about vision, which many people fail to develop, especially the poor. They have been deceived by the enemy to think they will never rise above poverty, and therefore they do not.
Yes, our world has changed immensely since I was a child, but the lesson I learned is the same today as it was then -- go for what you want--you may get it. You never know unless you try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
My passion is to give hope to the hopeless. A friend of mine told me the other day a profound statement: The best way to help people in poverty is not to become one of them. For those of you who need a plan to rise above the mundane and enter a world of prosperity, please visit my website at: A REAL BUSINESS (Click Here) or give me a call at the telephone number above. I also have a program which can be leveraged to get enough money to start with Nerium, should you not be able to get the start-up necessary. Many people work this program along with whatever it is they are already working because it is FREE to get started. FREE AND POWERFUL (Click Here)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV
Free Home Based Business Consultation
For some reason, I started thinking about something that happened to me as a child. I grew up in poverty, not even realizing that I was poor. Our family which consisted of my Mom and Dad, myself and three younger brothers, was the one of the first to live in government housing (a housing project) in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I thought everything was really nice, and I was very happy. There was no trouble, and the school was within walking distance. There was also a playground with lots of equipment; we had alot of fun.
Once, my neighbors went downtown to get clothes that were being given to people who were underprivileged and I went with them. When I came back, my mother was standing there ironing clothes. I had three dresses I thought were beautiful in my hand. I was particularly excited about a yellow dress with two large pockets in the front. Just looking at that dress made me feel happy. I told my mother that somehow the people downtown had gotten me mixed up and thought I was poor too. She didn't say anything. My mother worked hard as a homemaker trying her best to keep everything in line with a simple life being provided for us four kids, me being the oldest.
We spent two years living in the housing project and they were incredibly fun. I never knew I was poor because everyone else around me was poor. We would even go looking for pennies, one of our favorite pastimes--but still not realizing I was poor. I had an aunt with five kids who wanted to move into the projects, but they said she made too much money, even though I would have thought her family might have been on a lower scale than ours. My Dad was a barber along with my uncle Hoyt and my grandfather. My Dad cut hair for twelve years before the hippy era came, and his customers no longer cut their hair. Grandfather continued because most of his customers were older and conservative.
Anyway, my Dad along with most of his brothers were alcoholics--so as I look back on it now, maybe much of the money went towards alcohol (whisky the drink of choice). I remember bottles being hid around the house. My Dad later gave his life to the Lord and does not drink alcohol now. He said that if he ever started, he could not quit; therefore he does not drink at all. Alcohol was what killed my parents' marriage which ended when I was ten years old.
I'm telling you where I come from only to explain my story and an important lesson I learned at an early age about going for your goals. The situation occured after we moved closer to the other side of town, probably a step up, even though I didn't know it at the time. This was the time when the first mall in Chattanooga was opened. The event was an Easter Egg Scramble. It worked like this--everything was roped off and plastic eggs with prizes in them were scattered all over the parking lot. Along with the marshmallow eggs, these plastic eggs had the name of a store and the gift being offered written down on a small piece of paper inside the egg. Security guards were on hand in case any problems developed. We were all told to stay back until we hear a whistle blow. Soon it was blown and all the kids on hand all ran at once to pick up as many eggs as possible. It was a very exciting day for us all.
Before the whistle was blown, before we ran for the eggs, I noticed there were several baskets out in the center. I did not run out towards the center. What would have been the use. Everyone would have been running for those baskets (which were about five feet high stuffed with all kinds of goodies and prize eggs). I tried as hard as I could to pick up those eggs closest to me. After the Easter Egg Scramble was over, I noticed Gerry, my cousin--the one everyone called Popeye, who was about three years younger than me, with a huge smile on his face. He was elated as he stood beside one of the baskets. I said, "Gerry, how did you get that?" Wow, I couldn't believe it. He said, just matter of factly, "nobody else was trying to get it; it was easy." The lesson I learned that day was that if you see something that you want--your mindset must be focused towards getting it. There are so many people who are not going to go for the big prizes because they do not believe they can receive. Gerry believed he'd get one of those baskets, and he did. Had he never tried, he would never have known.
This same thing happened to my son in regards to his degree in Art Education. He did his student teaching and did not like teaching. I asked him if he felt bad he had his degree in something that he didn't like. I was the one who had encouraged him to get a degree in something that he loved and not to worry about the money. It's funny how when you follow your passion, the world aligns itself to give you what you expect. My son really liked computer technology and decided to get Microsoft certified. His career field was enlarged because he had his degree and was affiliated with the educational aspect of the field in which he was interested. His experience intertwined with his goal, and he was soon earning a six-figure income, at least up until the last few years with corporate cutbacks. Anyway, he loves his job and his career, even though now he drives over 120 miles to work each day. It all started by just going for it and having the proper mindset to achieve his goals.
Sidenote: 3/17/13: Brian no longer drives over 120 miles to work. He, along with my two beautiful grandchildren and daughter-in-law moved back home. He has a beautiful home, works for himself and made more in one month than he did his best year working for someone else. Most of the time he only has a few steps from his bedroom to get to his office.
Mindset is so very important. So many children are not taught to go after their goals, and many do not have self-confidence that they will receive. I believe that is the reason why the Bible states:
For ye have the poor with you always - Mark 14:7 KJV
It's all about mindset and moving towards a desired end. It's all about vision, which many people fail to develop, especially the poor. They have been deceived by the enemy to think they will never rise above poverty, and therefore they do not.
Yes, our world has changed immensely since I was a child, but the lesson I learned is the same today as it was then -- go for what you want--you may get it. You never know unless you try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
My passion is to give hope to the hopeless. A friend of mine told me the other day a profound statement: The best way to help people in poverty is not to become one of them. For those of you who need a plan to rise above the mundane and enter a world of prosperity, please visit my website at: A REAL BUSINESS (Click Here) or give me a call at the telephone number above. I also have a program which can be leveraged to get enough money to start with Nerium, should you not be able to get the start-up necessary. Many people work this program along with whatever it is they are already working because it is FREE to get started. FREE AND POWERFUL (Click Here)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Christian Home Based Business (GBG) - Veterans Take Notice
Cindy Brooks (678) 848-5254 -- cell -- Special thanks to all our Veterans!
When I was younger, sometimes it seems so long ago and other times like yesterday, my former husband and I decided to join the military together, choosing the Air Force. We were going for a regular enlistment, but decided to go into the reserves and later switch over to regular Air Force. The recruiter said, "you will get to see each other all the time." Yeah, right.. After about a week, we did see each other while we were both getting our shots. Everyone lined up and one by one, the members of my squadron, along with many other squadrons, were inoculated. In the distance, I saw someone with their finger pointing down to him. As I looked over, there he was with a clean-shaven head and his kacky's. My heart started to pound. It was a grand site and a rush filled my mind as I realized he was going through the same process as I was, only at a different place. We finally did get to see each other, not like the recruiter had told us, but once a week - at church. We would sneak off and get a kiss by the concession stand, between two vending machines. We had been married for about three years, and the newlywed sizzle had definitely wore off; but it came back for that period of separation.
He told me, now every night at 0900, you think of me and I'll think of you. That was the time of lights out. As I write now, a feeling of sadness envelopes me-- even though it is over 35 years later. We had married because he loved me and I felt like God wanted me to marry him--not so much that I was "in love," even though those feeling did come later and were intensified during our period of separation.
After basic, he stayed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, where he completed his training in law enforcement and graduated second in his class. I went to Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Missippi, where I went to Administrative School for six weeks and Legal School for nine weeks. That was too long of a separation for a young marriage. After training, we both went back home -- but the sizzle was lost somewhere along the way between basic training and tech school. He obtained a position with the police department, and our marriage ended after seven years, mainly because we were both immature and "stupid." We never became one as the Bible states in Mark 10:8
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain,
but one flesh. -- Mark 10:8 KJV
Back then, military was different. I remember at one point, we were actually having a class on how to apply cosmetics (Mary Kay) while the men were in an artillery class learning to fire a rifle. Times have changed now, but still I believe there has to be a definite differentiation of the sexes and there will always be as long as women and men exist.
Anyway, the reason I'm letting you know about my military background is to let you know that I have officially worn the uniform of the armed forces. It was a way of life where most things are taken care of for you by the government. There was no need to worry about what to wear or even what to eat--all there; every need supplied.
We never went into the military full time, and even though I went through training for about five months, the adjustment back to regular life was just that--an adjustment. When you think about the lifestyle in the military, that's all it is--you eat, sleep and drink the military.
In my Christian homebased business, GBG (guided by God), we're encouraged to dream. As we dream, we recognize that in order to fund many dreams, money is a keyword. Many dreams are easier achieved when funding is available, whether that dream is to elevate your family to a richer lifestyle or to finish college without debt or even to begin your own company or non-profit organization.
As we get older, our dreams lose their dazzle. Maybe we've started on the road to fulfillment only to be stopped by a roadblock like having to feed several mouths besides yourself and just not having the energy to even look to the side. In other words, it's work, work, work with no thought of any other endeavor which could bring financial prosperity.
After the Air Force, I went back to college for awhile, in order to complete my degree in Business Administration. However, after the first quarter--instead of taking courses which would lead to my degree, I started taking courses I was interested in, not courses which would lead to a degree--this was my choice. After going for about a year, I went back to work as a Claims Assistant at a carpet mill I had worked at previously, but making a lower amount of income than I had received before enlisting in the reserves. Back then (around 1974), my salary dropped from $97 to $85 a week. Of coarse, the money went further back then when a loaf of bread was about 35 cents a loaf and a gallon of gas was about 36 cents a gallon. Even a Krystal hamburger was a dime.
My goal is to provide hope for the hopeless. The best thing I can say about the good ole days is that they're gone. Today is a new day full of hope and prosperity. You may look around and think to yourself that you are doomed. You can no longer make it on what you are earning and no opportunities are available for you to ever upgrade yourself without going back to school for more education, and you just don't have the money, time or energy.
Since I was laid off from my job in January, I have not found a job which had the potential to provide the same level of income I received. There I was, working my fingers to the bones for a company which was shut down in one day. There I was with full benefits being decreased to nothing. There I was with no worry for money only to be slapped in the face with the same reality many others right now are being faced with. If you are one of the statistics of the one in ten who is now unemployed, you will be able to understand exactly what I mean. The other nine in ten might be working and barely making it from payday to payday. Why did all of these things happen? It had to do with choices which were made and even choices not made.
Think about it--when you make no choice, you are still making a choice. Your choice is either lack or prosperity; your choice is either fulfillment or emptiness; your choice may be even heaven or hell. This time on earth has all to do with choices. Don't ever let anybody tell you that you don't have a choice in any circumstance, because you do. The enemy will try to convince you of this lie (that you do not have a choice) in order to give you paralysis caused by many types of fear. Your choice may be God today, the way of faith and hope.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7
Let me give you a another choice: you can either sit there on your butt and do nothing and wait for something to happen or you can make things happen. By the divine providence of God, I was introduced to my company (GBG-- which stands for guided by God) before being laid off from my regular job which required me to work 50-55 hours/week if I wanted to achieve a significant income. While working, I was a customer of GBG's main product called 10in1-- a liquid multi-vitamin with superjuices like acaii berry and gochi as well as minerals and other key component for optimal health. The supplement is absorbed into your body within three minutes. The reason I continued after my first bottle, which had a 60-day money back guarantee, was that I needed it to continue to feel good. I had been feeling rundown and tired before taking it and just too tired to put all my energy into working for the company I worked for. But after taking 10in1, I found that I had a renewed energy which sustained me thru the afternoon blahs as well as helped with the stress.
Now I am proud to be a leader with this company, GBG. GBG is a network marketing company. Now, before I get the words "network marketing" out of my mouth, let me assure you that "network marketing" is a viable vehicle for wealth accumulation, even heralded by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame.
Why am I telling you all these things? Is it because I'm trying to make money off of you or your purchase? No, the product is actually underpriced compared to purchasing them separately at health food stores (even then, you may not be assured of the quality). The product (10in1) is even listed in the Pysicians' Desk Reference. I'm telling you because I actually care.
My purpose today is to commemorate our Veterans. Do me a favor, check out the following video and see if you have a renewed appreciation for our men in service. To the Veterans: I'm very thankful for the time you honored our country for your service. I would like to use the following link to commemorate this appreciation. You had to be willing to die for our country in order to serve. A person never knows how many days they have on this earth, so why not make the most of them. My gift to you as a Veteran or even a friend of a veteran are these two videos:
Special Gift
Listen to the GBG presentation. And again, thank you for serving. If it was in Vietnam that you served, I want to multiply my appreciation and let you know that your service was not in vain. As we go through times in the history of a country, we often wonder why the citizens do not show appreciation as they should. We can never go back and relive those days, but we can learn from the past and prepare not to repeat it. May this be a day when all Veterans and their families are recognized for their sacrifice. I want to personally say Thank You, soldiers.
When I was younger, sometimes it seems so long ago and other times like yesterday, my former husband and I decided to join the military together, choosing the Air Force. We were going for a regular enlistment, but decided to go into the reserves and later switch over to regular Air Force. The recruiter said, "you will get to see each other all the time." Yeah, right.. After about a week, we did see each other while we were both getting our shots. Everyone lined up and one by one, the members of my squadron, along with many other squadrons, were inoculated. In the distance, I saw someone with their finger pointing down to him. As I looked over, there he was with a clean-shaven head and his kacky's. My heart started to pound. It was a grand site and a rush filled my mind as I realized he was going through the same process as I was, only at a different place. We finally did get to see each other, not like the recruiter had told us, but once a week - at church. We would sneak off and get a kiss by the concession stand, between two vending machines. We had been married for about three years, and the newlywed sizzle had definitely wore off; but it came back for that period of separation.
He told me, now every night at 0900, you think of me and I'll think of you. That was the time of lights out. As I write now, a feeling of sadness envelopes me-- even though it is over 35 years later. We had married because he loved me and I felt like God wanted me to marry him--not so much that I was "in love," even though those feeling did come later and were intensified during our period of separation.
After basic, he stayed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, where he completed his training in law enforcement and graduated second in his class. I went to Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Missippi, where I went to Administrative School for six weeks and Legal School for nine weeks. That was too long of a separation for a young marriage. After training, we both went back home -- but the sizzle was lost somewhere along the way between basic training and tech school. He obtained a position with the police department, and our marriage ended after seven years, mainly because we were both immature and "stupid." We never became one as the Bible states in Mark 10:8
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain,
but one flesh. -- Mark 10:8 KJV
Back then, military was different. I remember at one point, we were actually having a class on how to apply cosmetics (Mary Kay) while the men were in an artillery class learning to fire a rifle. Times have changed now, but still I believe there has to be a definite differentiation of the sexes and there will always be as long as women and men exist.
Anyway, the reason I'm letting you know about my military background is to let you know that I have officially worn the uniform of the armed forces. It was a way of life where most things are taken care of for you by the government. There was no need to worry about what to wear or even what to eat--all there; every need supplied.
We never went into the military full time, and even though I went through training for about five months, the adjustment back to regular life was just that--an adjustment. When you think about the lifestyle in the military, that's all it is--you eat, sleep and drink the military.
In my Christian homebased business, GBG (guided by God), we're encouraged to dream. As we dream, we recognize that in order to fund many dreams, money is a keyword. Many dreams are easier achieved when funding is available, whether that dream is to elevate your family to a richer lifestyle or to finish college without debt or even to begin your own company or non-profit organization.
As we get older, our dreams lose their dazzle. Maybe we've started on the road to fulfillment only to be stopped by a roadblock like having to feed several mouths besides yourself and just not having the energy to even look to the side. In other words, it's work, work, work with no thought of any other endeavor which could bring financial prosperity.
After the Air Force, I went back to college for awhile, in order to complete my degree in Business Administration. However, after the first quarter--instead of taking courses which would lead to my degree, I started taking courses I was interested in, not courses which would lead to a degree--this was my choice. After going for about a year, I went back to work as a Claims Assistant at a carpet mill I had worked at previously, but making a lower amount of income than I had received before enlisting in the reserves. Back then (around 1974), my salary dropped from $97 to $85 a week. Of coarse, the money went further back then when a loaf of bread was about 35 cents a loaf and a gallon of gas was about 36 cents a gallon. Even a Krystal hamburger was a dime.
My goal is to provide hope for the hopeless. The best thing I can say about the good ole days is that they're gone. Today is a new day full of hope and prosperity. You may look around and think to yourself that you are doomed. You can no longer make it on what you are earning and no opportunities are available for you to ever upgrade yourself without going back to school for more education, and you just don't have the money, time or energy.
Since I was laid off from my job in January, I have not found a job which had the potential to provide the same level of income I received. There I was, working my fingers to the bones for a company which was shut down in one day. There I was with full benefits being decreased to nothing. There I was with no worry for money only to be slapped in the face with the same reality many others right now are being faced with. If you are one of the statistics of the one in ten who is now unemployed, you will be able to understand exactly what I mean. The other nine in ten might be working and barely making it from payday to payday. Why did all of these things happen? It had to do with choices which were made and even choices not made.
Think about it--when you make no choice, you are still making a choice. Your choice is either lack or prosperity; your choice is either fulfillment or emptiness; your choice may be even heaven or hell. This time on earth has all to do with choices. Don't ever let anybody tell you that you don't have a choice in any circumstance, because you do. The enemy will try to convince you of this lie (that you do not have a choice) in order to give you paralysis caused by many types of fear. Your choice may be God today, the way of faith and hope.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7
Let me give you a another choice: you can either sit there on your butt and do nothing and wait for something to happen or you can make things happen. By the divine providence of God, I was introduced to my company (GBG-- which stands for guided by God) before being laid off from my regular job which required me to work 50-55 hours/week if I wanted to achieve a significant income. While working, I was a customer of GBG's main product called 10in1-- a liquid multi-vitamin with superjuices like acaii berry and gochi as well as minerals and other key component for optimal health. The supplement is absorbed into your body within three minutes. The reason I continued after my first bottle, which had a 60-day money back guarantee, was that I needed it to continue to feel good. I had been feeling rundown and tired before taking it and just too tired to put all my energy into working for the company I worked for. But after taking 10in1, I found that I had a renewed energy which sustained me thru the afternoon blahs as well as helped with the stress.
Now I am proud to be a leader with this company, GBG. GBG is a network marketing company. Now, before I get the words "network marketing" out of my mouth, let me assure you that "network marketing" is a viable vehicle for wealth accumulation, even heralded by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame.
Why am I telling you all these things? Is it because I'm trying to make money off of you or your purchase? No, the product is actually underpriced compared to purchasing them separately at health food stores (even then, you may not be assured of the quality). The product (10in1) is even listed in the Pysicians' Desk Reference. I'm telling you because I actually care.
My purpose today is to commemorate our Veterans. Do me a favor, check out the following video and see if you have a renewed appreciation for our men in service. To the Veterans: I'm very thankful for the time you honored our country for your service. I would like to use the following link to commemorate this appreciation. You had to be willing to die for our country in order to serve. A person never knows how many days they have on this earth, so why not make the most of them. My gift to you as a Veteran or even a friend of a veteran are these two videos:
Special Gift
Listen to the GBG presentation. And again, thank you for serving. If it was in Vietnam that you served, I want to multiply my appreciation and let you know that your service was not in vain. As we go through times in the history of a country, we often wonder why the citizens do not show appreciation as they should. We can never go back and relive those days, but we can learn from the past and prepare not to repeat it. May this be a day when all Veterans and their families are recognized for their sacrifice. I want to personally say Thank You, soldiers.
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