Cindy Brooks (678) 848-5254 -- cell -- Special thanks to all our Veterans!
When I was younger, sometimes it seems so long ago and other times like yesterday, my former husband and I decided to join the military together, choosing the Air Force. We were going for a regular enlistment, but decided to go into the reserves and later switch over to regular Air Force. The recruiter said, "you will get to see each other all the time." Yeah, right.. After about a week, we did see each other while we were both getting our shots. Everyone lined up and one by one, the members of my squadron, along with many other squadrons, were inoculated. In the distance, I saw someone with their finger pointing down to him. As I looked over, there he was with a clean-shaven head and his kacky's. My heart started to pound. It was a grand site and a rush filled my mind as I realized he was going through the same process as I was, only at a different place. We finally did get to see each other, not like the recruiter had told us, but once a week - at church. We would sneak off and get a kiss by the concession stand, between two vending machines. We had been married for about three years, and the newlywed sizzle had definitely wore off; but it came back for that period of separation.
He told me, now every night at 0900, you think of me and I'll think of you. That was the time of lights out. As I write now, a feeling of sadness envelopes me-- even though it is over 35 years later. We had married because he loved me and I felt like God wanted me to marry him--not so much that I was "in love," even though those feeling did come later and were intensified during our period of separation.
After basic, he stayed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, where he completed his training in law enforcement and graduated second in his class. I went to Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Missippi, where I went to Administrative School for six weeks and Legal School for nine weeks. That was too long of a separation for a young marriage. After training, we both went back home -- but the sizzle was lost somewhere along the way between basic training and tech school. He obtained a position with the police department, and our marriage ended after seven years, mainly because we were both immature and "stupid." We never became one as the Bible states in Mark 10:8
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain,
but one flesh. -- Mark 10:8 KJV
Back then, military was different. I remember at one point, we were actually having a class on how to apply cosmetics (Mary Kay) while the men were in an artillery class learning to fire a rifle. Times have changed now, but still I believe there has to be a definite differentiation of the sexes and there will always be as long as women and men exist.
Anyway, the reason I'm letting you know about my military background is to let you know that I have officially worn the uniform of the armed forces. It was a way of life where most things are taken care of for you by the government. There was no need to worry about what to wear or even what to eat--all there; every need supplied.
We never went into the military full time, and even though I went through training for about five months, the adjustment back to regular life was just that--an adjustment. When you think about the lifestyle in the military, that's all it is--you eat, sleep and drink the military.
In my Christian homebased business, GBG (guided by God), we're encouraged to dream. As we dream, we recognize that in order to fund many dreams, money is a keyword. Many dreams are easier achieved when funding is available, whether that dream is to elevate your family to a richer lifestyle or to finish college without debt or even to begin your own company or non-profit organization.
As we get older, our dreams lose their dazzle. Maybe we've started on the road to fulfillment only to be stopped by a roadblock like having to feed several mouths besides yourself and just not having the energy to even look to the side. In other words, it's work, work, work with no thought of any other endeavor which could bring financial prosperity.
After the Air Force, I went back to college for awhile, in order to complete my degree in Business Administration. However, after the first quarter--instead of taking courses which would lead to my degree, I started taking courses I was interested in, not courses which would lead to a degree--this was my choice. After going for about a year, I went back to work as a Claims Assistant at a carpet mill I had worked at previously, but making a lower amount of income than I had received before enlisting in the reserves. Back then (around 1974), my salary dropped from $97 to $85 a week. Of coarse, the money went further back then when a loaf of bread was about 35 cents a loaf and a gallon of gas was about 36 cents a gallon. Even a Krystal hamburger was a dime.
My goal is to provide hope for the hopeless. The best thing I can say about the good ole days is that they're gone. Today is a new day full of hope and prosperity. You may look around and think to yourself that you are doomed. You can no longer make it on what you are earning and no opportunities are available for you to ever upgrade yourself without going back to school for more education, and you just don't have the money, time or energy.
Since I was laid off from my job in January, I have not found a job which had the potential to provide the same level of income I received. There I was, working my fingers to the bones for a company which was shut down in one day. There I was with full benefits being decreased to nothing. There I was with no worry for money only to be slapped in the face with the same reality many others right now are being faced with. If you are one of the statistics of the one in ten who is now unemployed, you will be able to understand exactly what I mean. The other nine in ten might be working and barely making it from payday to payday. Why did all of these things happen? It had to do with choices which were made and even choices not made.
Think about it--when you make no choice, you are still making a choice. Your choice is either lack or prosperity; your choice is either fulfillment or emptiness; your choice may be even heaven or hell. This time on earth has all to do with choices. Don't ever let anybody tell you that you don't have a choice in any circumstance, because you do. The enemy will try to convince you of this lie (that you do not have a choice) in order to give you paralysis caused by many types of fear. Your choice may be God today, the way of faith and hope.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7
Let me give you a another choice: you can either sit there on your butt and do nothing and wait for something to happen or you can make things happen. By the divine providence of God, I was introduced to my company (GBG-- which stands for guided by God) before being laid off from my regular job which required me to work 50-55 hours/week if I wanted to achieve a significant income. While working, I was a customer of GBG's main product called 10in1-- a liquid multi-vitamin with superjuices like acaii berry and gochi as well as minerals and other key component for optimal health. The supplement is absorbed into your body within three minutes. The reason I continued after my first bottle, which had a 60-day money back guarantee, was that I needed it to continue to feel good. I had been feeling rundown and tired before taking it and just too tired to put all my energy into working for the company I worked for. But after taking 10in1, I found that I had a renewed energy which sustained me thru the afternoon blahs as well as helped with the stress.
Now I am proud to be a leader with this company, GBG. GBG is a network marketing company. Now, before I get the words "network marketing" out of my mouth, let me assure you that "network marketing" is a viable vehicle for wealth accumulation, even heralded by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame.
Why am I telling you all these things? Is it because I'm trying to make money off of you or your purchase? No, the product is actually underpriced compared to purchasing them separately at health food stores (even then, you may not be assured of the quality). The product (10in1) is even listed in the Pysicians' Desk Reference. I'm telling you because I actually care.
My purpose today is to commemorate our Veterans. Do me a favor, check out the following video and see if you have a renewed appreciation for our men in service. To the Veterans: I'm very thankful for the time you honored our country for your service. I would like to use the following link to commemorate this appreciation. You had to be willing to die for our country in order to serve. A person never knows how many days they have on this earth, so why not make the most of them. My gift to you as a Veteran or even a friend of a veteran are these two videos:
Special Gift
Listen to the GBG presentation. And again, thank you for serving. If it was in Vietnam that you served, I want to multiply my appreciation and let you know that your service was not in vain. As we go through times in the history of a country, we often wonder why the citizens do not show appreciation as they should. We can never go back and relive those days, but we can learn from the past and prepare not to repeat it. May this be a day when all Veterans and their families are recognized for their sacrifice. I want to personally say Thank You, soldiers.