A few weeks ago, being single, I went through a lonely period of time. It seemed like this feeling came over me all at once and enveloped my entire being. Shake it, though I tried, by wearing a smile and pretending that my heart was not alone -- I was unable to do.
My main fellowship since I was released from a 12-year relationship has been the church I have been attending for the past year. It seems that "single" people in churches are often the odd man out, and I was definitely feeling it. Although I had surface relationships and my deep spiritual relationship with my Savior, there was still something missing. It wasn't that I wanted to jump into a relationship again, I just wanted deeper friendships.
After the breakup, I began to spend time on Facebook, renewing old relationships and meeting some new people. I set up several meetings with my old friends to catch up on life, but what I found was that these old relationships were part of another life, and that rebuilding a new life was taking more time than I wanted it to.
I had remembered my pastor saying that he had heard of people who would take Jesus out for a date and some even sat a place for him at the restaurant or whereever it was they were going. I started doing that, usually going somewhere I had never been before, as you often do on a date. This may sound like an off-the-wall thing to do, but it was beginning to fill a small part of the void I had felt. I also decided to begin treating myself better by dressing up and looking the best I could. The hole I felt in my heart was beginning to mend. As I began to read the Bible and pray to my Savior for help with my emotions, I remembered the scripture --
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9) -- NIV
This feeling of isolation was a weopon the enemy was using against me to make me feel defeated. But the enemy did not win, and God said:
"The battle is not yours but God's." (2 Chronicles 20:15)
The feelings of lonliness are now gone and God has replaced beauty for ashes.
Being in GBG (my Christian Home Based Business) been a good thing for me because the product (10in1), a liquid multivitamin with superjuices, has ingredients which have given me both energy and help with stress reduction.
After deciding on my why which I told you was giving hope to the hopeless, God has turned my life around. He has cut away old things and replaced them with new and better things. I began attracting people to me that I knew God wanted to be in my business. What I had needed were some positive people with a God-given vision for what he wanted in their life. People began to see me in a new light. I don't know if they even knew that I was a product of the failing economic conditions in the USA (having lost my car, my house, and my relationship). These people were attracted because they could see that something was making a change in me and they wanted to be part of their own transformation.
It was not that I had a desire to go out and buy expensive cars, clothes or any of the status symbols that come with the accumulation of wealth. My new vision for wealth accumulation was just a bi-product of beginning to act and live in what God had ordained for me. I was now over that "poverty mentality."
As God said in his word, I would that you would prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
My transformation was also taking place because I had changed--not my circumstances had changed. When I began to act and live in what God tells me I am, all earth began to move to accomodate my presence. I had become "a child of the King." I was before, but had just not accepted the gift of being his child.
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget
not all his benefits: (Psalms 103:2) KJV
How many King's kids are in poverty? How many have forgotten all his benefits?
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? (Luke 11:11)
Most of the people pictured here are on my team In GBG we are a FAMILY team of friends helping each other to achieve |
My idea of feeling hopeless was a state where a person is unable to move forward due to some type of mind blockage which causes procrastination and reluctance to move forward. Staying where you are is often confortable for awhile, but it is often a road which leads to nowhere. How could I, being a Christian, get to the end of my life and have nothing accomplished for my Lord.
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their
wounds." (Psalm 147:3)
"He has sent me to bind up the broken
hearted." (Isaiah 61:1)
When I began to help others, I soon found that what I was giving out was being received by my spirit. I began to be at peace and had a feeling of selfworth that only God's word and love can provide.
In these trying economic conditions, the enemy wants us to believe that there is no money around--that everybody is broke--that you will never succeed. This is not true. Even though we have a high unemployment rate at the present time which hovers around the 10% rate, there is still enough money to go around. What I have found from my experience is that people tend to get what they really want. They find a way. Ask any alcoholic or drug addict. Ask a mother who wants school clothes for her children.
If you feel hopeless, get yourself a new set of desires. Ask God to make his desires your desires.
Maybe, you have not even accepted Jesus into your heart. This, my friend should be your first step in transformation. Should you decide to make this move, the journey will will not always be easy, but "with God, all things are possible" and he definitely has a plan for your life if you only ask. I am giving you the plan of salvation on the following link.
Don't put it off, my friend. This could be your day for divine appointment. You will join a family of believers all over the world. As a child of the King you will join a family of believers with kindrid spirits who love you and will pray for you. We welcome you with love and outstretched arms. It is only thru a relationship with Jesus Christ that your true purpose and calling will be revealed. And the greatest friend you will ever have is Jesus Christ.
This is the most precious thing I could offer you, friend, and more valuable than all the gold and diamonds on earth.