Do you think it is possible to be excited and bored at the same time? I don't think it is. Excitement is an emotion that comes when you have a vision of the future you have in front of you. When I was a kid, I used to get so excited when I thought we were going to go get ice cream or even when my mother brought home groceries. We all knew "the good stuff" was in those bags. With three younger brothers, all "the good stuff" was usually gone within a day or two. My Mom was not really a cook, so to say; therefore, alot of our groceries were things to make sandwiches and soup. My cousin, Ronnie, used to say that Mom made the best Campbell's chicken noodle soup--better than anybody he knew (Ronnie had four younger brothers, all being raised by a "Single" mom; they were all in a quartet and loved those homecomings). Anyway, after the "good stuff" was gone, it was pretty boring. Mom did learn how to cook later on, but I guess having us all so close together, Mom just didn't have the time or energy.
Some people go through life bored. I see them everyday. They never get a vision or even have future goals. These are the same people who just roll with the punches. You can see these same people in restaurants as couples who don't even look at each other or really have much to say. These are the people who exist instead of live. Some are even bitter at others for achieving their own goals.
Sometimes, it's easier to live a life like that--never stretching yourself, never trying new things. It's easier because you don't have to make decisions, and making decisions is hard and requires effort and the emotional energy. It also helps people avoid fear of failure, one of the main reasons for not taking action. The decisions a person makes today determines their future destiny. In my opinion, schools really ought to teach classes on vision and goal setting while kids are in junior high to encourage them to start dreaming about what life could be like. When I graduated from high school, my skills were in administration. I used those skills in clerical positions for many years, but if I had been taught about goal setting and vision, my journey here on earth might have been more productive for that period of time.
The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision, my people perish." and Hosea 4:6 states "my people perish for lack of knowledge."
My hope is that you develop a vision. You can also learn from my previous mistakes and the mistakes of others.
I was not expected to go to college. Nobody in our family had gone and even though I was in the National Honor Society with an academic letter, nobody really ever talked to me about college. I did go for about two years - starting out in secretarial administration and then just taking things I was interested in the second year. Later, I still did not have a vision and started taking the prerequisites for nursing, still not fulfilling my own vision (because I still did not have one), but the vision of someone else who would like to see their own vision fulfilled through me. I was not really bored, but because I did not have a vision-- still there was little excitement. This came across not only in my career decisions, but also my personal relationship decisions. You've got to know where you want to go or you might just go somewhere you don't want to be or worse--you just drift.My hope is that you develop a vision. You can also learn from my previous mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Sometimes, being bored is just a way of life handed down from one generation to the next. You'll notice it in families where the parents don't go to college and therefore don't encourage their children to go. Their children repeat the same and hand it down to their own children--never accomplishing much, just living the status quo lifestyle. Living week to week or even depending on the government to subsidize them for living their life of boredom. These situations are so sad, but these people do not have vision (I understand - I WAS one of them). Can you believe that it was only recently since joining my Christian homebased company, GBG, that I began to really develop a true vision. Sure, I had jobs before which paid well (sales jobs requiring me to travel over 1500 miles/week), but I did not have a vision for the future. The more I made, the more I spent (like half the other Americans out there).
I believe God is excited when we fulfill his purpose; God is a God of emotion (you see it all thru the scripture; however (God calls us to get in the game; not to keep score--Douglas Snipes).
Life is too short, people. Don't repeat the past by living it over and over again. I had a friend today who was thinking about repeating a relationship choice he had made in the past with the same person. How many times does a person have to hit their head with a hammer to know that it hurts. I must include myself in with those people who have made mistakes in relationships too. In order to enter a God-given relationship with a partner, I believe we must have a vision for that other person and ask God for that vision of who our soulmate is to be. I will not settle for half.
In my own past, regarding relationships, I've made mistakes. Most mistakes I have made are from going too fast. Many people treat relationships like drugs in that they are addicted to the other person; when the thrill wears off, they break up and then are on to their next toxic relationship. My pastor said recently something that really hit home. You can't enter a relationship with two halves. Both people must be whole. (And I believe that includes vision; both must have visions and those visions must compliment each other).
Don't be one of those sad statistics who go back to old relationships because it feels "comfortable." Let me ask you, are you comfortable being "uncomfortable?" Many people who come from dysfunctional childhoods, as I did, join together with a person who is definitely not suited to them or on their same level because they subconsciously like that feeling of excitement by not knowing what is going to happen next. Excitement cures boredom. There is good excitement, and there is bad excitement.
If you've read my previous posts, you may think this post a little odd. Maybe, but excitement cures boredom; so maybe this lends a little spark into telling you a little more about my heart than it does about my business (although I will elaborate a little more towards the end because it is exciting, and excitement cures boredom.
My Christian homebased business (GBG) is the best opportunity I've ever been with in my life, and I've been involved with many. Most people who are determined not to live a life of boredom and mediocrity will at least try network marketing if they understand the concept and the way it works. It's no different than any other form of sales, except that instead of paying major advertisers, the companies pay the representatives who refer the products to others. This is as it should be. There is a certain amount of money built into each product, and the company can calculate profit based on the number of products sold.
According to TNS Media Intelligence, 30-second commercials for the 2010 Super Bowl on CBS sold for between $2.5 million and $2.8 million. (That would be alot of commissions paid out to distributors had those advertisements be made through network marketing (people telling people telling other people).
(I in no way endorse or recommend any of these products or services; this is for an example only).
If you are bored with your job or with the company you represent, it is because you see no vision for the future. Pray to God for him to give you a vision and make it plain. Write it down.
With GBG my Christian homebased business, there is no boredom (at least for me) because I have a vision. I can guarantee you that one thing. GBG, my Christian homebased business makes it easy). When you have the funds to make a difference in your own future or those you love and be able to fulfill dreams and visions like taking family vacations, working from home, sending your kids to college, giving more to your church or other organizations or maybe even creating a non-profit yourself, your life can again become exciting. When GBG was in its infancy in regards to health products, their main product (10in1) was priced so low, there was no room for paying out generous commissions. But now with the addition of our Platinum program, which is really for the people with vision, a person seriously has the opportunity to earn a six-figure residual income within a few years. It does require mindset training and vision, however. (I am making no income claims; this is just my opinion based on the elements of success I feel are already in place) In just a few months, GBG will go international, our first country being MEXICO. There is so much going on now, it is mind boggling. No boredom here; excitement is the keyword of the day.
I'm sure Stuart Finger, our company president, has a hard time sleeping at night due to the changes taking place. In fact, Stuart Finger is a distributor just like me. We are a company built for the future, and the future begins now.
For more information on GBG, please visit my site
Although I have had some large downlines with other companies, the fact is --I chose the wrong companies. Another of my mistakes I made previously in network marketing was not that I jumped around from one company to another; the reason was that I did not know how to choose a company and many of them failed. Often, it was not my own failure but that of the companies I joined. If I were a new person looking for a network marketing opportunity, these are the things I would look for:
*Unique consumable products customers use over and over again - our
main product (10in1, a liquid multivitamin with super juices like Acaii
and Go chi) fits the bill
*A company older than three years (ours is 14)
*Low startup cost (ours is $48 or $350)
*A company with integrity who stands behind their products
(ours is a Christian company with Christian values and has a 60-day money
back guarantee on products)
*A company with prospects for going global (ours will go global 2011)
*A product which is not overpriced (ours would equate to over $100
if purchased separately).
*Quick Breakeven (sign up 3 new customer who purchase a product - yours is free)
*Monthly autoship is less than $100 (ours is $48)
*A lucrative payplan; easy to understand (so awesome, it's patented)
*Good upline sponsors (we have the best upline in GBG - for sure)
*Use of technology to sponsor others and sell products (nightly webinars,
recorded training calls)
*Low cost for websites (ours is free, along with tracking group volume)
*Fast Start bonuses paid weekly (ours has that)
*Bonus pools based on volume (just started this month)
*Easy to duplicate (with key elements in place, it is easy to duplicate)
*Excitement (No boredom with GBG; that's for sure) with new payplan
enhancements with 10 worldwide bonus pools with easy qualifications
So, you see -- I don't have to look any further and neither do you. The choice is yours: Do you keep living a life of mediocrity and boredom by doing the same ole same ole or maybe repeating your past failures because, after all, they're comfortable; or do you go for excitement and risk, making changes in both the way you think and act? You must be successful in your own mind first. This may be the beginning of a new way of thinking - a day when you change. As you know, the definition some give of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting different results. GBG has passed the test of time. We're the real deal and we're here for the long haul. Why not hitch on and we'll take you for the ride of your life. Life is good and it can be better and more exciting with GBG.
My goal is to give hope to the hopeless. All glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in whom I trust.