Friday, January 21, 2011

Christian Homebased Business|GBG Chewable Vitamins|2011 - The Year of the Turn-a-round

 As I continue to work my Christian homebased business, GBG, with our product, 10 in 1 chewable vitamins, and focus my energy towards expansion, I am still amazed how everything begins to fall in place. Before deciding to promote GBG, when I was a consumer of the product 10 in 1 chewable vitamins only-- almost a year ago to the day, I worked a regular JOB; the Chattanooga office I worked in was closed. As a subcontractor for a major cable company in the area, their authorities had told them that operating costs must be cut back. A decision was made for the work we had originally done to be taken inhouse. I had worked very hard in my job capacity (most weeks working over 50 hours) and produced a good income as compared to others in our area, but I had no quality of life, to speak of. My life consisted of exchanging my own life to meet the demands of others and the goals they had set for themselves. I was a pawn in the hand of a corporation. I did like my job and the flexibility it allowed, but being flexible has its good points and bad points. The best thing about having a flexible lifestyle is that you are allowed to be there when others need you. The worst thing about a flexible lifestyle is that by being flexible for others, you often put your own needs last. Therefore, that was the direction of my life--working hard to pay bills to afford a lifestyle I could not enjoy--an unwarranted sacrifice, you will see, when you determine your purpose here on earth.

But, let me tell you about what God has done. For the last year, I have been involved with GBG, my Christian homebased business. By being involved with network marketing, my life is still flexible--however, it is not my "life", as my previous job had become. Now, with GBG my life is truly flexible and enjoyable, but that is not the best part the outcome of being laid off had brought me. It had given me time to think, time to evaluate, time to reinvestigate, and time to regenerate. I knew God had a plan in the whole ordeal; I just did not know what it is. He is still revealing my new life a little at a time.

With more "me" time, I was able to faithfully attend my church, Power Plant Ministry Center, here in Chattanooga,Tennessee. It is a great church. I guess when I first started going, there might have been 100 people, but now there are over 200 and the numbers grow weekly. However, church is not about numbers--it is about changing lives and preparing people here on earth for kingdom work by nurturing their gifts and providing a good environment for growth in Jesus Christ. It is also about being Christ on earth. That is what Power Plant Ministry Center, along with many other churches in the area, do their best to accomplish. Being involved with a church in which God can show his power is so important to our growth as Christians.

When I was employed, the place I worked at was located at 6110 Lee Highway in Chattanooga. This office had remained vacant for almost a year. I would glance at it occasionally, as I made my rounds throughout the city and think about memories of my job long gone. Still, nobody moved it....I thought this was strange--why was nobody moving in, especially since the office was well situated and easily accessible? Well, yesterday, I was attending a Bible Study conducted by Pastor Joseph Dutton, an anointed prophet of God who had been called to establish a new kind of church in Chattanooga. An announcement was made that a lease had just been signed on a new meeting place for the church. My ears could not believe what I was hearing. Pastor Joe started telling about the small meeting place which would probably seat 30 or 40 at the most. He said that the two offices next to it were a hair salon and a psychologist. Now the bell rang--it was my same office I had left a year ago to that day! Amazing.

Funny how God operates at times. No, funny is not the word for it, more like amazingly incomprehensible. I could go into the story of how I lost my house, car, business partner, and good credit rating to finally land back at the same exact place under new circumstances. I could tell you that I had a choice to move into a place of comfort and security in another city after my job ended, or to take a risk and stay here in Chattanooga, where I felt God had planted me. My decision was to choose a situation/environment which on the surface looked like the more difficult and inferior choice. But all along, God continued to show me signs and reveal his love in mighty ways. This was the best of the signs I received. I never asked for signs; God just gave them.

So, here I am, one year later, beginning to embark on the best year of my life--2011, the year of the turn-a-round.  What satan had meant for destruction, God had turned around to be a new beginning. Yes, here I am one year later, and only a month or so after determining my purpose here on earth. I determined my purpose to be to "provide hope (both spiritually and financially) to people who want a turnaround." God is allowing a turn-a-round on his terms. He closed so many doors I had tried to keep open in my on strength, but found impossible after exhausting all solutions and energy. But now, he is opening doors I never could have opened in my own strength or would never have seen because I was too busy trying to keep those other doors open: (closing doors I could not keep open and opening doors I could never have opened in my own strength--WOW). God has allowed me to begin again and even in the same exact place I had worked for three years. The place I thought was my ending was turned around to be a new beginning. The wisdom gained and the principals learned in this journey are to be used for God's glory.

"  closing doors I could not keep open and opening doors I could never have opened in my own strength"

That's my God. He is so good. Do not fear; if fear comes-take immediate action to eliminate that emotion--because action is the cure for fear. Walk in faith knowing God has a plan, and it is so much better than the one you thought you had. Never doubt God. Don't lose confidence when you are hit by setbacks and pitfalls. Find out who God says you are in the scripture and begin to act in ways which affirm what God says about you, according to the scripture. As Dr. Mark Chironna stated today in his daily quote:
"Confidence is all too easily discarded when you hit setbacks and pitfalls. When you encounter a series of “hits” to your confidence it is likely that you will experience fear about even executing tasks that you are normally quite capable of. When you throw away your confidence you even wonder whether you are capable at all. Learn to doubt your doubts! Intend to succeed! Don’t throw away your confidence, multiply it!"
The year, as prophesied by both my prophet mentors, Pastor Andrew Towe and Pastor Joseph Dutton, 2011 is the year of the turn-a-round.  It still amazes me and I stand in awe--of all the places in the city which could have been chosen by Pastor Joseph Dutton and his wife Lynette, they chose 6110 Lee Highway, the place where I thought everything had ended, to be a new beginning for a new move of God in Chattanooga as prophesied by Pastor Andrew Towe, where in endless intercessory prayer meetings and groanings of the spirit, calls were made to God to break the bonds of religion on this city and replace those bonds with love, freedom in worship and dominion.  As Pastor Joseph Dutton proclaims, "we were made to rein."  This is a new beginning -- 2011 the year of the turn-a-round.