Wednesday, July 13, 2011

GBG Willpower in a Bottle|Christian Homebased|

Today  is a great day here in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  As I continue to pursue my purpose (to give hope to those who need a turn-a-round, both spiritually and financially), I utilize Biblical scripture and give examples and methods to elevate people to the next level through Jesus Christ. I am still working in network marketing with my Christian homebased business, GBG, and am working on sharpening my skills in both network marketing  as well as social media marketing. I find that I often make mistakes, but this is often just part of the journey. I have my vision written down and ask for guidance from God in ordering my steps to fulfill his purpose for my life, not for my own gain--but for his glory. .

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13  

When examining my Facebook friends, where I do much of my contact and encouragement, I find many are wealthy, or do they just appear to be?  Utilizing social media, a person can be so much larger than they really are. You can give people a perception of most anything you want them to believe. I try my best to be "real."   I find often people are attracted to those who have used "attraction marketing" to elevate themselves to a believable perception in others eyes. It is often hard to resist the temptation that I have "arrived,"  but I'm still on a journey. I have not arrived at my destination. By keeping my mind on the journey itself, I find I can help more people than I could had I already arrived. They can relate to me because I understand the situation of the person who is not where they want to be in life. I can empathize with their situation, because I have probably already been there myself and went on to a higher level through Christ. It all begins with mindset.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus -- Philippians 2:5

As far as finances go, I have had both prosperity and poverty in terms of money. Both levels of financial prosperity contain their own set of contentment. Many people spend so much time in the pursuit of riches that they have no life. So much talk in the Christian realm is about being prosperous financially --that the true message of the gospel is often left untouched.

My main goal today is to let you know that just because you've been knocked down, you can get back up. Don't worry about what other people think. Continue your fight. Write out your purpose and begin to live it. You will be elevated, but in due season. Continue to read and meditate on the scripture and listen to the Holy Spirit as your guide. There are so many voices you can hear. The main one to listen to is the voice of the Holy Spirit. Your journey will be completely different from anybody else's.

Romans 3:12 "Let God be true and every man a liar."

I pray for God's blessings to be on you today as you live in the light of God's word. If you begin to feel depressed or fearful, you are experiencing a spirit (it could be a spirit of fear, depression or even rejection). These spirits are used to paralyze you into inaction. The enemy wants you to remain fearful and paralyzed so that you do nothing for the kingdom of God . God wants you to be victorious in your journey here on earth--that is the reason "fear not" is splattered across the pages of the scripture. The message was even splattered in his precious blood.

Remember, if you are spending much time in Social Media, people are not always what they are perceived to be, so your true direction as a Christian needs to come from the word and the Holy spirit. We must recognize and act on the voice of the Holy Spirit.  God has given you your own anointing/gifting. Pursue your gifting with passion.

As a sidenote, for those who are watching my journey with GBG, I begin today to take Willpower in a Bottle, which is our new weight loss product. A couple of months ago, I had been in the process of moving and left some of my things in storage (including a set of scales). I found a few pounds had started creeping back on and I was already over the weight I needed to be.  Last week I bought a new digital set and am ready for my new journey into a better body (not for vanity's sake, but for God's glory and because God wants us to take care of our body). I know that by losing extra weight, my body will perform better and I will be more at my optimum. I had been taking my weight each morning for the last week and saw how it could fluctuate anywhere from 1 to 4 lbs. My present weight is 173, but fluctuates between 171-175. My weight loss goal is 135. I will be assisting my weight loss with our newest product, Willpower in a bottle which is a healthy weight lost assistance product with all natural ingredients and will also continue to take my 10in1. I will keep you posted as to how this is working for me. If you are looking for something to help you on your own weight loss or even your financial journey, you can place your order from my site or give me a call at 423-591-1877.  My Personal Website for Ordering
 To Order for You or a Friend
I will also be getting some suggestions from my son who has lost 35 lbs. during the last year.