Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time for Rest - GBG Christian Home Based

For the past few days, I've begun to wonder if I turn some people off by talking about my relationship with God.  I know the answer--you don't even have to say anything.  I just wonder to myself why we have come to a point in our country where many people in general do not want to hear. These people seem to put themselves on a pedestal and think themselves intellectually superior because they base their lives on  what they believe to be facts and have no room for the true word of God--the same Bible on which our country was founded. Our founding fathers would probably turn in their graves if they knew what our so called democracy had turned into.

Personally, I'm sick of being "politically correct" all the time.  The truth is, I love people.  I hate to see people suffer, especially those close to me.  My goal is to give hope to the hopeless, and the only way I know to do that is point them to Jesus, the only truth I know.

Ok, yeah, it's ok to post on your Facebook, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, but anything more personal is to be avoided.  Being kicked in the face because of encouraging words I have written is not easy to overcome, but "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world."  I John 4:4

Why can't we all just love each other and care for each other?  We're not dealing with plastic dolls; there are real hurting people in this world.  If we could all just reach out and be "real"--and not have to put on some false facade in order for people to like us.

According to a Gallup Poll (see link below), 78% of Americans identify with Christianity, but the number is steadily declining, mostly due to the fact that there are more who identify with nothing.  We have taken Bible out of schools and in general made speaking about a relationship with Christ socially unacceptable and politically incorrect, especially in the workplace, where the majority of Americans spend over half of the waking time.

Gallup Poll

I did a search on google for "Famous Christians," and yes- my name was not there--just as I had figured.  Those people who were on the list were people out in the limelight. I'm just thankful that to be a Christian, I don't have to be famous or on a certain list.  The only list that is important is the one written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  Nobody even has to know my name. But God knows his children and they know his voice.  I have made many mistakes in my life, but my Father God forgives and loves me just as he will you.

Let me say openly, I am a Child of God, the Great I Am, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords; and one day he is coming back to take his children home.  If it were not for my father,  I have not reason to exist. His word is the same today as it was when it was first written-- and one day every knee will bow to the name that is known above all names - Jesus.

Until that day, I will spread the good news that Jesus is Lord and reins victorious.  We are more than conquerors thru Jesus.

Some might think that being a Christian is a sad life.  It is to the contrary. Once his spirit really enters into your heart, he brings peace and joy beyond comprehension.  Even in times of trial, he is always there.  I really wished I could explain how he has always been with me and thru what circumstances he has.  I do not condemn those who are not of the faith--I just say to them, I must be about my Father's business.  All I can do is pray that they come to understand the truth.  I must say the responsibility is not all mine to tell those who do not know the gospel. The job is too big for pastors and people who really want to minister to the needs of those who have been deceived--it takes everyone of us. 

In order not to take responsibility, some people may say:

"Hey, I would never be a Christian. I mean, look at all the hypocrites in the Church!"

 One could answer:
“Well, we'd be glad to move over—there's always room for one more. And furthermore, if you ever find the perfect church, please don't join it. You'd spoil it.”

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6