Sunday, December 22, 2013

Network Marketing|Is this Really Happening ?|Why I chose Avon|Chattanooga, TN

Joining Avon is not a step back. As most of my friends know, I have been with many companies in network marketing. When I left my full-time job as a Call Center Representative last year, I had to try something different -- which I did, and was a miserable failure. Although I had an excellent product and company, something was missing. I was not able to duplicate myself, which as you know is a killer in network marketing.

Only after failure, did I decide to do something again which I had done in my early days. I had previously been involved with Avon twice (once while pregnant with my son) who is now 37, and another time when he was in the third grade. As a single mother, I found that the expenses necessary to work, ate up my profits from a traditional job. At the time, I was actually working two jobs (during the day as a Legal Secretary, and then in the evenings as a waitress). It's not what you make; it's what you keep.

I had one of those moments many people call an epiphany. I was riding back from the funeral of one of my uncles, and was telling about my job to a relative I hadn't seen in awhile, when I realized I hated my job. I felt tied behind a desk. It was at that moment when I decided a change had to be made. It wasn't that the job was bad or anything; I was just feeling like I was being robbed. My expenses to work included gas to and from downtown, parking, nice clothes, and a baby-sitter for after school. Another moment occurred when I overheard my boss talking to his wife about a sweater they were getting his son for Christmas, and realized the cost was more than a week's salary for me. I also heard a lady discussing with him a situation where a man was involved, and stated that ("he's our kind of people"). In my 30's, I began to ask myself what kind of person I was and what, if any, values did I have. I wasn't sure of my own values; I only knew they did not include a materialistic mindset or classing myself as determined by others. There were some benefits greater in life than possessions.

I wanted to stay with my son. When I told him I had left my job, he actually started jumping up and down; he was happy that I would be there when he got off the bus from school. Those were good days. I was successful with Avon, and soon entered the prestigious President's Club, which was awarded  based on sales. The pay was ok with Avon, but to me, the money was not the most important thing I received when I began concentrating on Avon more seriously. Freedom was the primary benefit. 

After my failure with another well-respective skincare company, I decided to give Avon another try. So, here I am, about two months later, already making Unit Leader (which is a title given based on sponsoring and group sales effort). I find that it is easy selling Avon -- basically you are just an order taker. 

I am having to start over, however, developing a customer base. The investment I am using to do this is to order 200 catalogs/a campaign -- which costs me about $40. This is to do what is called tossing. Besides the orders I have received, I also sponsored one of my new reps when she opened the door and I asked her if she were interested. Avon just has so much to offer. There is something for everyone. With only $10 startup fee, it is affordable for anyone.

Here's what Molly has to say about "tossing brochures with Avon."

If you are looking for an opportunity to make some extra money, I recommend Avon. It may not be your final destination, but it could be your starting point -- especially if you don't have much of an investment budget. You can start earning money right out the gate.

Avon is fun, exciting and has opportunity for anyone who has a work ethic. You can't just sit back and think the orders are just going to roll in. For the most part, for me, that hasn't happend; even though I do have one rep who makes extra money by having her daughter, who is a waitress, take it to work. Another one of my reps has many of her customers placing orders online.

My first goal was to win the I-Pad Avon was giving away for signing up 8 reps (who placed at least a $50 order and paid on time). It looks like I have accomplished that goal!! The next goal was to achieve Unit Leader Status which would give me the opportunity to earn up to 7% on the sales of those I had personally sponsored, as well as up to 1% on my 2nd generation. Unit leader advancement also gave me an extra one-time bonus of $250 and a $25 bonus for those I had personally sponsored (when they turned in an on-time order amounting to $50 or more). I've done this 9 times. It does take awhile for the bonuses to start coming in. Avon also gives at least 20 potential representative leads when a person promotes to Unit Leader.

What is Avon like after coming back since the mid-80's? There's a world of difference, especially in terms of Internet access to training, ordering and over-all communication. It is my opinion that the best time to join Avon is "NOW." There are opportunities with Avon to earn just a little, or if you have career aspirations, you even have the ability to grow to over a six-figure income. 

My particular goal is somewhere in the middle. I enjoy having a team, but I also enjoy other endeavors which take up a little time. So, I'd say my income goal right now is around $25k/year (part-time). I can see this happening within my first year. I don't want to be one of those who spends everything they make. My goal is to empower women who have the drive to succeed, with a proven vehicle to success. Whether they decide to make a career with Avon, or just want to pursue the opportunity for a given time, is up to them. 

If you would like to hear more about the opportunity, give me a call at (423) 653-1697. I will explain how easy it is to start.