Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Avoiding the Victim Mentality|AVON|Christian Homebased Business

Lately at the church I have been attending, I was made aware of a phenomena called "victim mentality." This disease strikes many people due to the fact that these people crave attention and will play the victim at any cost. Let me tell you--the cost is high not only to them, but to those with whom they associate. These people who play the victim in almost all circumstances will rob you of your most precious commodity here on earth---time. They will also rob you of your emotions and try their best to bring you down to their level. They will tell you that they have discussed their situation with everybody and their brother -- but they still need your opinion. They will tell you they have countless people to pray for them, but they still need you to pray for them too.

It is my opinion that these people crave attention and are self absorbed. God only gives us so much time on earth and desires that we use it wisely. We can take some time with them, but if they are not responsive -- they must begin to pray themselves. Over and over the endless pleas come in as we become a willing vessel for satan's tactics. Satan comes to kill and destroy. He wants to rob us of our time.

Psalms 90:12 (KJV) So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

I have compassion with people, but often these people are in no worse situation than I, myself, am in. I choose to move to the next level. It is my responsibility to find the vehicle to move me to the next level.  God has given us so many promises in his word that if we will just take a few and dwell on them, he will supernaturally move us forward. He allows us to go through the valley to strengthen us, but sooner or later we will come through if we continue to trust in him and his word.

I am just not a good person to come to if a person wants pity. I will tell them what has carried me through, but I will not pity them. We all live in the same world and all have the same choices. Some people are in the situations they are in due to negative choices they have made. Their present situation is only the outcome of those decisions. In order for things to change, they have to change--and many are just not willing to change.

II Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I refuse to be a victim. God --what do I have or tell me, Lord, what do I need to get me to the place you have prepared for me? What strategy and what action do you want me to take. Lord, I am not afraid for you are with me. Many people are in a worse situation and, I know that in many countries with my limited possessions I would be viewed as being "rich." Lord, I am "rich" in all things. Forgive me for not appreciating what you have put in my hand. Please, Lord, just give me the wisdom to know what to do with what I have or where to go to get what I need. You are my rock, Lord -- and my provider. I trust in you Lord. Thank you for what you have put in my hand.    

I also ran across another blog post I thought might be of interest to you:
How to Break Out of a Victim Mentality: 7 Powerful Tips

Because victim mentality has benefits for many people, they avoid change. People tend to move close to what feels good and avoid things that don't feel good; therefore, in the victim mentality situation, it is often hard to convince the person that change is needed. They have become comfortable in their uncomfortable situation. These feelings are often the result of childhood feelings which are often deeply rooted into their psyche. My firm belief is that to eliminate the trap, this is a work of the Holy Spirit. He must convict and convince. This convincing is done by hearing the word of God to help illuminate their own need to step out and step up.  

Cindy Brooks lives in Chattanooga, TN where her main passion is to provide hope for those who wish for a turnaround, both financially and spiritually. She may be contacted at (423) 653-1697 or at christianhomebased@gmail.com