Thursday, November 18, 2010

Christian Homebased Business is not the Answer to All Problems

My friends, this is the first blog I have had reluctance to publish. Actually, I did publish it for about an hour last night and then took it down.  You see, my purpose is to give hope to the hopeless.  Sometimes, however, when it comes to encouraging my own family, I fall short--especially when on the surface the circumstance seems to be "hopeless."

I use my blog to get out the good message of Jesus Christ and to present the gospel (the good news) concerning our eternal life and the reason why Christ came.  My sideline business is just the vehicle used to support myself financially. I pray I never come across as using my relationship with God to elevate myself financially.  The financial aspect is only a secondary reaction which happens when I lift the name of Jesus Christ.

After reflection, I decided to again post this blog because it might be just what is needed for someone to know that they are not alone in their own "hopeless" situation.  God has a plan and he knows what he is doing.  Maybe part of the plan is for us to work on a cure for the diseases which effect the lives of so many of our loved ones as well as to put our trust in him during times of when we feel hopeless. 

I write to you today from heartache, my friend. I will take a few minutes to discuss my experience with Alzheimer's Disease as it relates to my family. As I write, my step-father, a man who worked very hard all his life to provide for his family, is in a hospital for evaluation. This is the second attempt, medical specialty personnel have attempted to find a way to regulate the medication he takes.

This disease effects people differently, but it is no respecter of persons. The disease effects the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. It is a cruel disease which is very hard emotionally on all who participate in the caretaking of the individual.

My mother has been the sole caretaker for my step-father for the last three years when the disease started to show its ugly face.  She has been brave in this battle, but unless a miracle takes place -- the battle is lost.  The disease continues until it drains most of the dignity a person has or until they do not recognize anyone or even themselves.

I believe in miracles and will continue to pray for a miracle to take place.  Usually not at a loss for words, today there are few words to explain my emotions.  There are no words or explanations -- only prayers.

I still continue in my faith and know that "all things are possible with God" including miracles and cures for debilitating diseases.

My step-father was the rock in the family. He had a philosophy that everyone was supposed to work hard, and he used himself to be an example.  Never one to play golf, watch sports or even have hobbies (except for collecting old cars), he finally started playing Rook with my mother, his brother and his brother's wife only just a few years ago.  This small act made my mother very happy--but all that came to an end when Alzheimer's took over.  I curse that disease. 

I cannot do anything but pray now for my step-father in regards to his health and strength for my mother.

If you would like to take a proactive role in your own healthcare, you may make a decision to exercise, watch your diet and take a high quality multivitamin along with minerals.  I would like to take this opportunity to recommend 10in1, a liquid multivitamin which is absorbed into the body within 3 minutes.  Because it was formulated to help with ten different health situations, you may be one of the ones that may feel some type of health difference. Since it does have a 60-day money back guarantee, there is no risk involved.

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Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.  Psalms 19:14 KJV