Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christian Homebased Business - The Rush is On

When my son was a little boy, one of our favorite things to do was go around town and look at all the Christmas decorations people had displayed at their homes.  We would first go downtown to see how the lights had been displayed, as they always were year after year in Calhoun, Georgia. Then from there, we would go to all the homes. As we went, we would sing Christmas carols--he was amazed that I knew so many songs.  It was a joyous occasion which did not cost much money for a single Mom and her small boy.

Amazing Grace Techno - Computer Controlled Christmas Lights from Richard Holdman on Vimeo.

You know, it's kinda funny what has meaning for a Mom and her son: was remembering one year when there was not much money and I gave him a choice of whether to get a small ceramic tree or a larger one, and was surprised by his answer: "I like this" - pointing to a small ceramic tree.  We displayed that little tree for that year and several years thereafter as a symbol that it is the small things on Christmas which can make the day a special celebration. 

My son was the first grandchild, and sharing him with my mother-in-law was a task all to itself.  She loved him so much then (as she still does today), that she was always showering him with gifts and toys. He had so many toys at her house that they were assembled on shelves similar to those used in a utility room.  Everybody loved my son, so Christmas was only an exaggerated form of what he was already accustomed to living. Not a trip to WalMart was ever complete without some type of toy. Sometimes he even had duplicates; therefore, it seemed that the small amount of gifts I gave him were minuscule in comparison with what he received there.  If I ever mentioned I was going to get a certain gift, it was a mistake--because he would have one there too.  I never even tried to compete; I just tried my best to be thankful that there were people in his life who found joy in giving to him.  Raising a child by yourself is not always an easy thing to do in so many ways, and often by allowing others to dote on your child, you can lose much of their allegiance and dedication.

A single mom must often make decisions at times which on the surface seem like she is depriving her child when she pulls away from those who offer the child everything; but it is at times necessary if she is to give the child her own values.  All of the things children in the United States are embellished with are often unnecessary. In many countries, a child is happy just to be handed one small little toy. Still, however, giving on Christmas is a way we show love--just as Christ did when he gave his life for us.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV

This world is dominated by materialism, but the Bible says:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2 (KJV)

The question is, how do we keep the right Christian mindset when all those around us have developed a materialism mentality, especially in regards to the expectations of our children we truly love on Christmas? 

This year there will be many single parents as well as those who are married and who are without a JOB, struggling just to put food on the table, with no idea of how they can buy gifts for Christmas.  I remember once telling my son that I didn't know how many toys Santa would bring to our house because Santa didn't have alot of money that year.  I asked him to write a letter to Santa, and he included all the money he had which was 14 cents. You know, that really touched my heart--he gave everything he had, not for himself but for others.  If you know of a single mom or family this year who is effected by the hard economic situation we are in, I believe it is best to find out what the child/children want and then purchase the presents, but allow the presents  to be presented to the child/children from the mother/father without being personally recognized for the act of giving and kindness. 

And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.  Matthew 10:42 KJV

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